Food Tank

Traditional Staple Crop May Help Manage Diabetes, Study Shows

Analyses from institutions across four countries demonstrate the positive effects of millet consumption on blood sugar.

NYC Nonprofit Gives New Life to Brooklyn Community Garden

Brooklyn Community Garden is transformed by New York City’s largest land conservancy, New York Restoration Project.

29 Organizations Promoting Food Literacy in Schools

Meet 29 organizations bringing food literacy to the classrooms and communities across the United States and Canada.

Senator Booker’s Legislation Aims to Reform U.S. Farm Systems

Senator Booker has drawn a wide range of support from farm advocates, public health and environmental justice groups.

Recent Report Exposes the Hidden Costs of Food in the U.S.

According to a recent report by the Rockefeller Foundation, the true cost of food in the U.S. is three times what Americans are currently spending on food.

Africans Publicly Challenge Green Revolution Backers

Africa’s largest civil society network and its allies are calling on investors to stop funding programs that promote an extractive model agriculture in Africa.

NOLA Nonprofit Provides Hurricane Relief to Culture Bearers

Feed the Second Line works with culture bearers and elders across New Orleans to combat food waste and repair damaged roofs in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida.

How to Help Louisiana Residents Impacted by Hurricane Ida

Consider supporting these 14 organizations providing hot meals, clean water, and other basic necessities in the wake of the storm.

Asian Pacific Islander Voices: Books on Food and Culture

Food Tank’s book list centers Asian and Pacific Islander voices and showcases books on AAPI food and culture.

Why Are Diets and Biodiversity Linked?

Building more healthy, sustainable, and resilient food systems is central to reversing biodiversity loss, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and ensuring food security for everyone.

NYC Nonprofit Provides Resources for Community Gardens To Combat Food Apartheid

New York City’s largest land conservancy, founded by actress Bette Midler, provides resources to restore community spaces.

Six Simple Ways to Make Summer’s Bounty Last

From freezing to drying, these tips can help you enjoy your favorite summer fruits and vegetables well into the winter months.

New Report Reveals How Food Banks Responded to COVID-19

Food banks around the world significantly adapted their services to meet increased demand for food during 2020 lockdowns, a new report finds.

Indigenous Food Security at Risk Following Push for Conservation Plan

The 30 x 30 agenda would preserve 30 percent of the Earth’s land and sea by 2030, but it may also lead to food insecurity among Indigenous groups.

Europe Advances Farm to Fork Strategy with New Sustainability Code of Conduct

A recently signed Code of Conduct in Europe aims to improve sustainability in food businesses, but some NGOs are concerned that the Code is not enough to support sustainable food systems.

Calling All Poets! Global Initiative to Celebrate 2021 World Food Day

Poetry X Hunger’s call for submissions shows that poetry can be an effective avenue for anti-hunger advocacy.

The Table to Farm Movement Championing Sustainable Agriculture in Colorado

Boulder County’s new program helps restaurants to support regional regenerative farming.

USDA Invests US$20 Billion in SNAP Benefits for Americans

The average monthly food aid awarded per person will increase from US$121 to US$157, totaling an additional US$20 billion per year.

Apeel Sciences Secures New Funding to Fight Food Waste

The food science company plans to use the investments to increase sustainability in supply chains.

A ‘Game Changer’ Law May Help Black Farmers Secure Threatened Land Legacies

Resolving heirs’ property could help families generate value and address the U.S. racial wealth gap.

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