Food Tank

In the Driest Region of the World, Water Offers Peace

Transboundary water cooperation is seen as essential to ensure peace and stability in the MENA region.

Denmark to Roll Out New State-Run Climate Label for Food

Denmark’s Minister of Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries is establishing a working group of researchers, government officials, and representatives from leading Danish supermarket brands to create the new label.

The Inequality Pandemic: Agribusiness Billionaires Profit from Pain in Oxfam Brief

Oxfam’s new brief reveals how wealth inequalities, worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic, increased food insecurity for society’s most vulnerable.

Loiter Is Reimagining a New Future for East Cleveland

Loiter, a nonprofit in East Cleveland, Ohio, is reimagining a brighter future founded on economic justice for the city’s residents.

ReFED Launches New Tool to Track Funding Aimed at Food Waste

ReFED’s new tool allows users to follow trends in food waste reduction strategies and the financing that drives them.

New York May Be First State to Have Values-Based Food Purchasing

The Good Food NY Bill would make NYC the first to install a values-based approach to food purchasing.

Ensuring Dignity and Agency through Chilean and South Korean Food Market Models

Food market models can respond to local needs while guaranteeing privacy and freedom of choice.

Demand for Organic Meat Is Booming, but There’s a Shortage of Slaughterhouses

As demand for locally raised and certified organic meat booms, small farmers are struggling with the scarcity of slaughter facilities.

Chipotle United Fights for Restaurant Workers’ Rights

In Augusta, Maine, fast-food restaurant employees are unionizing for better pay, adequate training, and sanitary work conditions for their crew and community.

Climate Change is Driving India’s Heat Waves, Increasing Wheat Prices

Climate change has increased the likelihood and intensity of heatwaves in India, forcing farmers to adapt.

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