David Aylward of Ashoka envisions a future when you will be able to measure your nutritional status with a smart phone
Healthy Plates Around the World
The Institute for Family Health designed culturally specific Healthy Plate diagrams to teach diabetes education with the foods people know and love.
World Health Day: Small Changes in Diet Still Make a Big Difference for Health
Today’s post in Food Tank’s World Health Day series focuses on how small dietary changes can have a huge impact on your health
John Hopkins Supports Research in the Public Health Benefits of Aquaculture
Johns Hopkins’s Center for a Livable Future supports research connecting aquaculture and public health.
Cooking Classes give Somali Refugees Lessons on Health and Heritage
Cooking classes for Somali refugees help mothers and daughters bond and develop healthy cooking traditions.
World Health Day: Investing in Vegetables is a Win-Win-Win
Today’s post in Food Tank’s World Health Day series focuses the power of veggies and how they can address the world’s health problems
World Health Day 2013: Spotlight on Food and High Blood Pressure
Food Tank’s World Health Day series spotlights how changes in both food and agriculture systems can address the world’s health problems.
Trees That Feed Foundation Promotes Wellbeing for People and Planet
The Trees That Feed Foundation plants edible trees in developing nations that feed people, create jobs, and protect the environment.
Isha Datar’s In Vitro Meat
Isha Datar offers a novel–and possibly environmentally friendly–solution to meat production by growing muscle cells in vitro.
Global Spotlight on Family Farmers
The United Nations has designated next year, 2014, the International Year of the Family Farmer (IYFF), and preparations around the world are already beginning.
As Antibiotic Use in Food Animals Rises, So Does Public Concern
Many food producers sell meat products treated with antibiotics. Growing concerns about human health effects give rise to calls for labeling and alternatives.
The Fresh Idea of Freezing Local Produce for School Lunches
According to a recent report by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, many schools are freezing local produce for consumption all year round.
Agriculture- and Nutrition-Based Initiatives that Empower Rural Adolescent Girls
Highlighting several initiatives in agriculture and nutrition to empower young women in rural economies
The Eco-labeling of McDonald’s Fish
This month, McDonald’s will feature the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) blue ecolabel on the packaging of all of its fish menu items in the U.S.
Are Earth Markets the New Farmers’ Markets?
Producers who sell their goods in Earth Markets are smallholder and artisan farmers who are committed to charging reasonable prices for their products and engaging in fair labor treatment practices.
Raising the Steaks: The High (and Rising) Costs of Meat
The price of meat, particularly beef, will increase dramatically in the United States during 2013. These price spikes will likely affect not only what people eat at home, but also eventually how our meat is produced.
When Food Strikes: Falling Victim to Foodborne Illnesses
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), one in six Americans (or 48 million people) contract a foodborne illness every year, and 128,000 people become hospitalized and 3,000 die.
Oregano: An Aromatic Antibiotic?
Returning to more aromatic antibiotic alternatives, like oregano oil, might play a key part in quelling the growing resistance to drugs.
Quinoa: Key to Global Food Security?
Expanding cultivation of quinoa into more countries can help contribute to global food security for the planet’s nearly 1 billion hungry people.