Op-Ed | Bridging the Gap: Health and Climate Action on World Environment Day

The connections between the health and nutrition community and the climate and environment community are stronger than ever.

Instagram Live: Ashley and Sarah Armstrong

FoodTank Instagram Live w/ Ashley and Sarah Armstrong, advocates of regenerative agriculture who are starting their own regenerative farm.

Plastic, Plastic Everywhere: Microplastics in the Food System

Move over pesticides—there is a new interloper jeopardizing the health of food systems across the globe, and you are likely wearing it, sitting on it, or drinking from it right now.

World Diabetes Day: The Food System and Human Health

“We must link the health of people with the health of the planet, and we can only ensure long-term food security if our food systems don’t destroy the basis of food production,” says Alexander Müller, study leader for The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for Agriculture & Food (TEEBAgriFood).

An Equitable and Ethical Meal Needs Diverse Stakeholders at the Table

Environmental Scientist Dr. Cristina Tirado discusses how the TEEBAgriFood report guides policymakers to consider human rights and social values in our food system.

Report Looks for “A Future Where Malnutrition, Obesity, and Chronic Disease are Eliminated”

Dr. Michael Hamm talks about poor human health and food loss, and how community-driven strategies and new report can help minimize their harm.

Making the Invisible Visible: A Bold Strategy to Change the Food System

Dr. Barbara Gemmill-Herren talks about how groundbreaking, new TEEBAgriFood Report recognizes both negative and positive externalities in food system.

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