Danielle Nierenberg
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Danielle Nierenberg is President of Food Tank and an expert on sustainable agriculture and food issues. She has written extensively on gender and population, the spread of factory farming in the developing world and innovations in sustainable agriculture.

20 Organizations Planting the Seeds for Food Justice in Prisons

With more sustainable food programs being offered to inmates, Food Tank brings you 20 organizations fighting for food justice in prisons around the globe.

The Obesity Paradox: An Excerpt from Nourished Planet

The coexistence of hunger and obesity has created a disturbing paradox worldwide. Hunger cannot be solved simply through increasing food production. Nourished Planet examines the underlying structural issues causing these imbalances and explores solutions.

Cultivating Resilience to Climate Change

Crop Trust’s Crop Wild Relatives program is bringing together top research institutions, farmers, and eaters to find the best way to boost crop resilience: the genetic material of their ancient relatives.

30 Traditional Crops to Celebrate Indigenous Farming

With time-tested farming practices, agricultural knowledge, and traditional crops, indigenous peoples are improving global biodiversity and resilience to climate change with these special crops and more.

Building the Foundation for Health: An Excerpt from Nourished Planet

A healthy diet combined with exercise can reduce the risk of chronic diseases over a lifetime. Teaching healthy behaviors at a young age is key to sustaining long-term health.

Going Forward By Going Back: An Excerpt from Nourished Planet

Plant biodiversity is rapidly declining and little research has been invested in sustainable and nutritious indigenous crops, which can lead to improved health outcomes and increased food security.

Recipes for Sustainability, Meal by Meal

Kass’s new book, Eat A Little Better shares the lessons he imparted while chef to the Obamas and White House food policy advisor: anyone can eat flavorful, healthy food with the environment in mind.

15 Organizations Creating Edible Landscapes

Edible perennials make parks and backyards more beautiful, ecologically resilient, and productive. These 15 organizations are creating edible landscapes around the world.

The Water Economy: An Excerpt from Nourished Planet

Water is a basic human right and yet it is becoming increasingly scarce. The global water footprint, including water used for drinking, agriculture, and virtual water (water used to grow crops for international trade), is mismanaged and can lead to social conflict.

Dr. Maiga on Cultivating Equality in West and Central Africa

Dr. Mariame Maiga, Regional Gender and Social Development Adviser for the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF), tells Food Tank how CORAF’s projects make gender issues a key concern.

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