
Food Hero Series: Russ Kremer, NRDC Growing Green Winner and Pioneer in Antibiotic-free Pig Farming

Food hero, Russ Kremer is a NRDC Going Green winner and a pioneer in environmentally sustainable, humanely-raised drug-free pig farming

April 17th Food Tank Summit Speaker Spotlight: Alan Shannon

Food Tank Summit Speaker Spotlight: Alan Shannon, Public Affairs Director for the USDA Food and Nutrition Service’s Midwest Region.

New Law in Bolivia Directed at Supporting and Empowering Family Farmers

In January of 2013, Bolivian President Evo Morales signed a new law that declared that family farming is of “public and national interest.”

Permaculture Combats Malnutrition in Malawi

Permaculture helps subsistence farmers in Malawi access nutritious produce year round.

Urban Gardening Offers Nutrition and a Livelihood for HIV affected Ethiopians

Urban gardening in Ethiopia brings a livelihood and critical nutrition to people living with HIV.

John Hopkins Supports Research in the Public Health Benefits of Aquaculture

Johns Hopkins’s Center for a Livable Future supports research connecting aquaculture and public health.

Cooperative Small-Scale Farming Movements Make Strides Around the World

This International Year of Family Farming series post features three small farmer groups that are helping farmers to succeed by pooling knowledge and resources.

World Health Day 2013: Spotlight on Food and High Blood Pressure

Food Tank’s World Health Day series spotlights how changes in both food and agriculture systems can address the world’s health problems.

A Focus on Land Rights to Improve Food Security

Guidelines passed by the FAO support food security by promoting fair processes for land rights and land access.

Trees That Feed Foundation Promotes Wellbeing for People and Planet

The Trees That Feed Foundation plants edible trees in developing nations that feed people, create jobs, and protect the environment.

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