Food Heroes

Food Hero Series: Interview with Selina Juul

Food Tank interviews Selina Juul, Danish food waste expert and founder of the Stop Wasting Food movement in preparation for World Environment Day.

Food Hero Series: Ruth Oniang’o, Kenya’s Voice for Nutrition

Kenya’s Ruth Oniang’o, a renowned leader in food and nutrition issues, has been working to improve nutrition for women in Africa for decades.

Interview with Janelle Kapoor, Director of the Ashevillage Institute’s New Urban Farm School

Food Tank interviews Janell Kapoor about the Ashevillage Institute’s new holistic Urban Farm School in Asheville, North Carolina.

California’s Full Belly Farm Proving That Organic Family Farms Can Also Be Profitable

Full Belly Farm is an innovative example of a small farming enterprise that has pioneered the use of organic agriculture and agricultural diversity.

Food Hero Series: Rose Karimi, Women Going Green

Rose Karimi developed Women Going Green, a project aimed at improving climate change adaptation and food security for smallholder women coffee farmers in Kenya.

Food Hero Series: Brianna Almaguer Sandoval, NRDC Growing Green Urban Nutrition Visionary

Almaguer Sandoval, NRDC Growing Green award winner hopes to tackle childhood obesity through a nation-wide network of Healthy Corner Stores.

Restaurant Opportunities Center Brings Justice to the Food System

Restaurant Opportunities Center is dedicated to improving working conditions for restaurant workers by highlighting and supporting model restaurants

Goldman Environmental Prize Recipient: Rossano Ercolini

Goldman Prize winner, Rossano Ercolini fought to keep a waste incinerator from being built in his village and advocated for sustainable waste management.

Food Hero Series: Larry Jacobs, NRDC Growing Green Organic Farming Pioneer

Food hero Larry Jacobs, a pioneer in the organic food movement, is an NRDC Growing Green winner of the Food Leader award.

Navdanya: Saving Seeds to Save a Culture

Navdanya and its female seed savers work towards the preservation of India’s culture and agriculture.

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