Food Heroes

Food Hero: The FARM Institute Teaches the Next Generation to Care About Food

This week’s Food Hero, The FARM Institute, is building consciousness about food in the next generation.

118 Twitter Feeds Every Food Activist Needs to Follow

Food Tank has chosen 118 Twitter accounts for those involved in the food movement, or anyone who just wants to know more about the food system.

Food Hero: The Sylvia Center: Childhood Education from Farm to Fork

This week’s Food Hero, The Sylvia Center, engages youth in food education from farm to fork.

Food Hero: Janie Simms Hipp, Founder of the Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative

This guest post from Isthmus & Strait’s Kelsey Jones-Casey interviews Janie Simms Hipp, founder of the Indigenous Food and Agriculture Initiative.

Food Hero: Bob Martin, Senior Policy Advisor at the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future

Bob Martin, this week’s Food Hero, has extensively researched recommendations for improving the United States’ livestock agriculture.

Food Hero: Dimitri Gatanas, Founder of Harlem’s Urban Garden Center

Community compost, refurbished pallets, and urban hens make for an out-of-the-ordinary garden center experience.

Family Farming Food Heroes: Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell

Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell, founders of Beekman 1802, truly epitomize the spirit of family farming.

Food Hero: Dr. Yaneer Bar-Yam, Founding President of the New England Complex Systems Institute

This week’s Food Hero, Dr. Yaneer Bar-Yam, applies scientific inquiry to help innovate solutions to major social problems.

The High Morality of Protecting the Ecosphere: Wes Jackson’s KU Commencement Speech

Founder of The Land Institute, Wes Jackson, delivers the KU commencement. High morality necessitates the protection of the ecosphere.

Food Hero: Basil Kransdorff, Creator of e’Pap

Basil Kransdorff is an Ashoka fellow and creator of e’Pap, a revolutionary pre-prepared foodstuff packed with nutrients. Kransdorff and his wife, Rose, developed e’Pap, which rapidly improves nutrition, energy, and productivity for those consuming it. e’Pap offers repletion based on nutrients rather than empty calories from…

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