Food Tank Lists

Food Tank Wraps Up 2018 With Exciting News for 2019

With ground-breaking Summits, reporting, podcasts, and more, Food Tank has gathered a highlight reel to celebrate the coming of the new year.

Opinion | Five Zero Food Waste Bloggers You Should Know About

Here are five unique and diverse eco-conscious trailblazers who are making waves in the zero food waste movement.

12 Children’s Books to Grow Future Food Leaders

Children’s books are a great way to start critical conversations and reflections about food, community, and the environment: check out Food Tank’s 12 picks for the holiday season.

Taste the Revolution: 18 Cookbooks for Building a Diverse and Just Food System

Food Tank knows that representation matters. Our team put together this cookbook list to serve not only as inspiration in the kitchen but to combat social injustices through supporting queer and POC authors.

10 Chefs Bringing Forgotten Grains Back to Life

Once associated as a food for the rural poor, these innovative chefs are embracing millets for their flavor, nutrition, and environmental benefits

30+ Food Leaders Convene in San Diego

We will hear from more than 30 speakers and panelists from the food and agriculture world in the San Diego area and around the globe, including David Bronner, Ryland Engelhart, Jessica Greendeer, and many more! Journalists from NPR and NBC 7 will moderate the panel discussions between these diverse and engaging food leaders.

Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share: 19 Approaches to Permaculture Around the World

These 19 organizations apply the ethics of permaculture to educate communities about becoming more self-sustainable and food secure.

Food For Thought, 25 Organizations Growing Change

As we countdown to the November 14th Food Tank Summit, we highlight 25 organizations in San Diego building a global community for safe, healthy, nourished eaters.

Pile On The New Reads: 19 Books to Celebrate Fall

Food Tank’s fall book list features reads from top authors and experts on food policy, nutrition science, healthy eating, food justice, and farming.

10 Craft Breweries Using Millets and Sorghum

Food Tank is highlighting 10 breweries around the world switching out barley and wheat for traditional grains that support celiacs and small farmers.

21 Chefs Bringing Foraged Ingredients to the Table

Chefs across the globe are turning to an ancient practice for many of their ingredients: foraging the landscapes around them. By searching for herbs, fruits, roots, petals, and more from the wild, these chefs not only create fresh, flavorful dishes, but can also champion sustainable practices, indigenous produce, and a sense of adventure.

National Farm-to-School Month: Highlighting 30 Innovative Programs from Across the Globe

Farm-to-school programs across the world are building stronger relationship between schools and farmers, ranchers, and producers, in an effort to improve children’s health, engage students in the food system, and support local economies. In honor of National Farm-to-School Month, Food Tank is highlighting 30 innovative farm-to-school programs from across the globe.

28 Food Waste Warriors

With food waste a growing global concern, Food Tank has created a list of 28 individuals putting their skills to the task of reducing food waste.

35+ Food Policy Leaders Convene in New York City

More than 35 speakers from the food and agriculture world, including Dan Barber, Dickie Brennan, and Marion Nestle will be at the NYC Summit on October 3. Food Tank is previewing the all-star lineup of speakers.

14 Apps Preventing Food Waste

Organizations and individuals around the world develop smart mobile solutions to fight food waste. Food Tank has compiled a list of 14 food waste apps that change the way our food system works.

27 Organizations in New York City Combating Food Waste

The 2018 Food Tank Summit, “Focusing on Food Loss and Food Waste,” will be held on October 3 at the New York University. In preparation for the upcoming Summit, Food Tank is highlighting 27 organizations in New York focusing on food loss and food waste.

Have Your Food and Eat the Wrapper Too

18 organizations find innovative ways to replace plastic wrappers with edible packaging.

Announcing “Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg” and 23 Great Food Podcasts

Food Tank’s new podcast “Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg” joins the world of food podcasts, including these 22 podcasts sparking global awareness of a better food system.

20 Organizations Planting the Seeds for Food Justice in Prisons

With more sustainable food programs being offered to inmates, Food Tank brings you 20 organizations fighting for food justice in prisons around the globe.

30 Traditional Crops to Celebrate Indigenous Farming

With time-tested farming practices, agricultural knowledge, and traditional crops, indigenous peoples are improving global biodiversity and resilience to climate change with these special crops and more.

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