Food Waste

Menus of Change: “This is how I’m going to be a leader”

The Culinary Institute of America and Harvard partner for a better food system.

Innovation for Sustainability: Chicken Tractors, a Simple Innovation with a Big Payoff

The chicken tractor is a sustainable, humane, cost-effective, and fun way for farmers to integrate chickens into an agro-ecological system.

Feeding the 5000 Wages War on the ‘Global Food Waste Scandal’

Tristram Stuart and Feeding the 5000 uncover the ‘Global Food Waste Scandal,’ and inspire others to find solutions to global food waste.

Stories from IFAD: Farmers Field Schools

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is supporting communities in Tanzania, refining their livelihoods.

Think.Eat.Save. Your Way to Less Food Waste

The Think.Eat.Save campaign calls for everyone to play his or her part in reducing food waste by making a few simple changes.

Raising food waste awareness in Japan

Consumer behavior has emerged as a root cause of food waste—direct disposal, food scraps, and food leftovers account for half the amount of food waste in Japan.

Turning Waste Into Wealth: Using Vermicompost to Improve Soils and Improve Waste Management

Vermicomposting can be a useful waste management technique that yields nutrient-rich compost for farmers and gardeners and helps to keep waste out of landfills.

Three Free Tools That Will Make You a Better Farmer

These three tools make number crunching fast, easy, and fun!

Morocco, The High Atlas Foundation

The World Congress on Agroforestry 2014 will be held in Delhi, India and is supporting farmers across the globe so that they can better their livelihoods.

Food Is… Being Wasted

Documentary Photographer Chris King recently launched Food Is…. The new project documents food waste solutions in the UK.

The United Kingdom’s ‘This is Rubbish’ Calls for Food Waste Prevention in the Food Industry

‘This is Rubbish’ aims to prevent food waste before it starts in the United Kingdom’s food industry.

Using Worms to Reduce Food Waste Costs at the Monroe Correctional Complex

Monroe Correctional Complex is using worms to reduce food waste.

UC Berkeley Journalism Fellowship Makes Food a Serious Topic in the Media

The 11th Hour Food and Farming Journalism Fellowship offers journalists a chance to report on topics related to U.S. food systems.

Improving the Food Supply Chain in Japan

The analysis of food loss in Japan is now the aim of new institutional initiatives aimed at improving the national food system.

Food Tank Book of the Week: The Coming Famine: The Global Food Crisis and What We Can Do to Avoid it

Julian Cribb illuminates what he calls, Humanity’s greatest test—how do we feed a growing population with less?

Foodshare reduces food waste by reallocating unused food

Foodshare discourages food waste while encouraging food redistribution and exchanges in German cities.

‘FreshPaper’ May Hold Key to Preserving More of World’s Produce

A five by five sheet of spice-infused paper may play a large role in the fight for global food security.

14 Food Resolutions to Bring in The New Year

Together we can be that generation and find solutions to nourish both people and the planet! Here are 14 food resolutions for 2014.

Host a Viewing Party for TEDxManhattan’s 4th Annual “Changing the Way We Eat”

TEDxManhattan’s “Changing the Way We Eat” is a full-day event featuring a dynamic and diverse group of speakers addressing issues with food movement.

Give the Gift of a Better Food System: Save a Spud!

Save a Spud (US$15.00) from Oxfam America Unwrapped is a gift that will keep potatoes fresh, reducing waste and fighting hunger!

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