
More than a Meal: Forti Foods’ Mission to End Malnutrition with Dignity

Forti Foods is tackling malnutrition with fortified meals that are designed to empower communities.

Over US$489 Million Worth of Food Assistance Stalled Due to USAID Freeze

Nearly 500 million dollars of food is stuck in transit due to the U.S. foreign aid freeze.

U.S. Policy Changes Will Have Consequences for Food Systems Globally

The new administration is already reshaping global food systems, affecting humanitarian aid, public health, and global peace.

Global Food Security at Risk as U.S. Freezes Foreign Aid Programs

The U.S. foreign aid freeze is sowing confusion and disrupting vital food security and health programs, putting millions at risk worldwide.

World Food Prize and Nobel Laureates Demand ‘Moonshot’ Solutions for Global Hunger Crisis

More than 150 World Food Prize and Nobel laureates are calling for “moonshot” solutions to tackle the hunger crisis.

Op-Ed | Why Philanthropy Should Back and Engage in the Committee on World Food Security

Bringing together a diversity of actors working on food systems governance offers unique advantages to elevate the impact of philanthropy.

Grocery Retail for All: Building Bridges for Equitable Food Access Across the U.S.

The Grocery Retail for All Summit will look at power of partnerships, investment models, and policies that can improve food access for every eater in the U.S.

‘Even One Food Insecure Veteran Is One Too Many:’ How the VA Is Tackling Hunger for U.S. Veterans

Post-9/11 veterans and women veterans are at the highest risk of experiencing food insecurity.

Who is Feeding New York City’s Asylum Seekers?

As New York City struggles to feed tens of thousands of newly arrived asylum seekers, local organizations are stepping up to provide nutritious, culturally appropriate meals that meet their diverse dietary needs.

Harnessing The Power of Optimism To Address Crises of Hunger and Climate

Being optimistic means we understand what’s required of us and are willing to take on that uphill battle, panelists said at Climate Week NYC.

From Neglect to Nourishment: Africa’s New Plan to Revitalize Vegetable Biodiversity

The African Vegetable Biodiversity Rescue Plan aims to address hunger, malnutrition, poverty, and the climate crisis by rescuing and preserving Africa’s vegetable biodiversity.

Empowering Communities: The Cities without Hunger Model

Cities without Hunger is transforming unused urban spaces into vibrant gardens that feed families, create jobs, and inspire students.

It’s Time to Put Our Money Where Our Mouth Is—Literally

Ignoring hunger will lead to trillions of dollars in costs associated with the social, economic, and environmental consequences.

To Change Our Food Systems ‘We Need The Political Will.’

This country making important progress in some policy areas, while other aspects of the food system remain tricky to transform. That’s why we all have to roll up our sleeves and get to work, bringing a better food system to life.

For Many Kids, ‘School’s Out’ Means No Food. We Can’t Forget ‘The Hungriest Time of Year’

Programs that bridge the hunger gap for students in the summer months are incredibly effective—and they literally save lives.

What to Expect from the Latest Farm Bill Negotiations

Is it such a bad thing if lawmakers can’t come to an agreement on a 2024 Farm Bill? Maybe not, says Eric Kessler.

Empowering Student Voices: Swipe Out Hunger’s Journey in Advocating for Hunger-Free Campuses Nationwide

Partnering with youth around the country, Swipe Out Hunger believes in a student-led approach to improving food security on college campuses.

Progress in The Food System Means Empowering Eaters—Today and for Generations to Come

Empowered eaters are at the center of conversations on land justice, healthier school foods, food is medicine, procurement, and more.

20 Organizations Cultivating the Food Movement in Atlanta

These organizations are supporting local food producers and regional economies, offering educational resources and agricultural training, and working to ensure that their neighbors don’t go hungry.

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