Together we can be that generation and find solutions to nourish both people and the planet! Here are 14 food resolutions for 2014.
Experts argue Land Rights for Women is Key to Curbing Global Hunger
Stronger land rights for women may help advance the progress toward global food security by increasing the autonomy they have over the management of resources.
Trestle Group Foundation, Connecting Women Entrepreneurs in Developing Economies
Trestle Group Foundation is paving the way for growth, job creation, and innovation for women entrepreneurs in developing economies.
Innovation for Sustainability: Sahara Forest Project Uses Sand, Sunlight to Produce Food and Water
The Sahara Forest Project is using abundant desert resources to create sustainable food production systems.
IYFF: The Last Push for 100 Gardens in 100 Days in Africa
In September, Slow Food International announced a new project, 100 Days for 100 Gardens, aiming to create 100 new food gardens in Africa by the end of the year.
The University of Vermont Food Systems Summit: What’s on Your Plate?
The University of Vermont Food Systems Summit is a yearly discussion of food systems issues by food systems experts.
Nine ways technology is Changing Hunger and Obesity
A round-up of nine ways technology is helping to fight the dual food issues of hunger and obesity.
One World Everybody Eats: Pay-What-You-Can Community Cafes
One World Everybody Eats supports cafes that use a pay-what-you-can model to make nutritrious food accessible.
15 Books For Future Foodies
15 books that will make great gifts for your child, niece, nephew, or grandchild this holiday!
Host a Viewing Party for TEDxManhattan’s 4th Annual “Changing the Way We Eat”
TEDxManhattan’s “Changing the Way We Eat” is a full-day event featuring a dynamic and diverse group of speakers addressing issues with food movement.
Community Food Lab Brings Design Thinking to Food Systems
Community Food Lab project is about rebuilding the relationship between cities and food, bringing new value to the health, economy and sustainability of cities.
The True Cost of So-Called Cheap Food
Ellen Gustafson shares the many inputs required to produce food and explains that cheap junk food might not actually be so cheap.
The Pig Idea: where there’s swill there’s a way!
The way we think about meat is beginning to change, both in terms of quantity and quality. The Pig Idea is aiming to get food waste back on the menu for pigs.
Innovation for Sustainability: Driptech Offers Innovative Irrigation Technology for the 21st Century
Driptech is an inexpensive and user-friendly drip irrigation technology which allows farmers in the developing world to save water in these water-scarce times.
Johns Hopkins’ Center for a Livable Future Promotes Food Policy
Food Policy Networks offers resources for food policy advocates.
In a World Full of Holiday Excess, Let’s Stand Up and Combat Food Waste
During the holidays, resolve to make waste in the food system part of our past, not our future.
Get Rid of the ‘Food Desert’ Label
The movement to eradicate food deserts would benefit from, of all things, banishment of the term food desert.
Harvesting Nutrition Contest—Apply Now!
The Harvesting Nutrition Contest calls on applicants with projects that bridge the gaps between agriculture, food security, and nutrition.
TED’s 2014 Fellows are Cultivating a Better Food System
TED’s class of 2014 Fellows will focus on “ideas worth spreading;” among them are three fellows cultivating a better food system.
Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition (BCFN) YES! Finalists Seek Solutions to Food Paradoxes
The Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition (BCFN) YES! contest finalists offer creative solutions to reduce environmental impact and achieve global food security.