BlueAvocado is a sustainable business empowering women micro-entrepreneurs across the world.
Danielle Reports Back
While climate change poses a serious threat to farming all over the world, I’m mostly feeling hopeful about—and invigorated by—the future of agriculture.
Family Farming is the Key to Alleviating Hunger and Poverty
Food Tank and FAO are highlighting effective ways to provide family farmers with the tools they need to really nourish the world.
Thought for Food Challenge Finalist: Team CrOpportunity
Would you choose food with a “certified food secure” label?
Thought for Food Challenge Finalist: Team Ingenerovictus
Team Ingenerovictus envisions turning food scraps into fertilizer and incentivizing food donations with an Android credit system.
The Crop That Can Feed the World?
As global temperatures and populations increase, sustainable and effective systems, such as enset systems, are essential to eliminating poverty and hunger.
From Dakar to Abidjan, Population Finally Finding Its Place in Food Security Assessments
When women are empowered, the prospects for achieving food security for all will look a lot more hopeful.
Food for 9 Billion: Multimedia partnership addresses challenges of feeding the world
Food for 9 Billion is a multimedia partnership that explores the challenges of feeding more than 9 billion people by 2050.
Eighteen Individuals and Organizations Working on Population, Environment, and Reproductive Health
Groups and individuals around the world are highlighting the need for integrated, holistic approaches that will nourish both people and the planet.
Food Tank Book of the Week: Empires of Food by Evan D.G. Fraser and Andrew Rimas
In Empires of Food, authors Evan D.G. Fraser and Andrew Rimas examine current problems with the global food system by taking a look at examples from history.
Food Hero: Dr. Yaneer Bar-Yam, Founding President of the New England Complex Systems Institute
This week’s Food Hero, Dr. Yaneer Bar-Yam, applies scientific inquiry to help innovate solutions to major social problems.
Saving Scraps: Ohio’s City-Wide Food Recovery Initiative
Cleveland, Ohio’s food waste and recovery initiative has continued to expand throughout the last few years and can be seen as a national example.
Eleven Inspiring Sustainable Chefs
Chefs can be arbiters of change, choosing local ingredients and bringing fresh healthy food to the masses. Here are eleven great examples.
Framing Hunger Criticizes SOFI12 for Creating Inaccurate Picture of Progress on Global Hunger
Framing Hunger is a document highlighting multiple concerns regarding the FAO 2012 report, The State of Food Insecurity in the World.
Community for Zero Hunger launches as multi-sector response to hunger
The Community for Zero Hunger launches today as an independent initiative to identify needs and gaps in fighting hunger.
12 Musicians Promoting Food Movement Initiatives
These 12 artists have participated in the movement to change the food system, either by teaming up with organizations or influencing their fans to take action.
Food Hero: Basil Kransdorff, Creator of e’Pap
Basil Kransdorff is an Ashoka fellow and creator of e’Pap, a revolutionary pre-prepared foodstuff packed with nutrients. Kransdorff and his wife, Rose, developed e’Pap, which rapidly improves nutrition, energy, and productivity for those consuming it. e’Pap offers repletion based on nutrients rather than empty calories from…
An Overview of Eliminate Poverty Now
Eliminate Poverty Now focuses on investing at the local level by providing funds for projects that address local needs as identified by communities themselves.
A Partnership with Food MythBusters
Food Tank is partnering with Food MythBusters to build an international food community through the power of information.
Food Stamp Use Rises in U.S., Along with Poverty
Food stamp use in the U.S. continues to grow, gaining attention from lawmakers keen on cutting important safety net programs.