Policy and Organizing

Book Excerpt: Commodities and Consolidation

Farmers were encouraged to grow corn and soy whether prices were high or low, even on the most marginal land.

Mexico Is Right to Reject GMO Tortillas

High levels of genetically engineered toxins and glyphosate in GM corn pose serious health risks in Mexico.

The United States Must Respect Indigenous Rights in Mexico GM Corn Case

Corn holds tremendous cultural, symbolic, and spiritual value for Mexico’s Indigenous peoples.

El Valle de Guadalupe Under Threat: The Campaign to Save Mexico’s Wine Country

The Rescatemos El Valle campaign aims to preserve the agricultural landscape of El Valle de Guadalupe from urbanization.

Progress in The Food System Means Empowering Eaters—Today and for Generations to Come

Empowered eaters are at the center of conversations on land justice, healthier school foods, food is medicine, procurement, and more.

New and Young Farmers Increasing, According to Agriculture Census

The USDA Census of agriculture reveals a positive shift in American farmer demographics, but the industry still has a long way to go toward equity and sustainability.

Where Are You Reading This? That’s Where Food System Transformation Is Happening

Every step forward is a win: a win for producers, a win for eaters, a win for the planet. 

Mexico’s Precaution on GM Corn Safety Is Justified

The government of the U.S. and Canadian are using the USMCA to challenge Mexico’s efforts to ban the use of genetically modified corn.

Hardline U.S. Stance Ignores Non-GM Corn Opportunity for U.S. Farmers

U.S. farmers could be better served if leaders supported a smooth transition for those affected by Mexico’s corn policies.

Op-Ed | California Crate-Free Law Offers Hog Farmers Economic Opportunity

Both Prop 12 and Question 3 passed with sweeping voter support, indicating approval for better animal welfare practices.

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