Sustainable Agriculture

Food Tank Book of the Week: Gaining Ground by Forrest Pritchard

Gaining Ground is a well-crafted, unfailingly honest account of a man’s efforts to reverse the seemingly inevitable course of the family farm into obscurity.

Family Farming Food Heroes: Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell

Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell, founders of Beekman 1802, truly epitomize the spirit of family farming.

USDA Microloans Providing Opportunity for Small Farmers Across the United States

Val Dolcini of the USDA explains how USDA microloans are sowing the seeds for the next generation of our nation’s farmers and ranchers.

Food for 9 Billion: Multimedia partnership addresses challenges of feeding the world

Food for 9 Billion is a multimedia partnership that explores the challenges of feeding more than 9 billion people by 2050.

Food Tank Book of the Week: Empires of Food by Evan D.G. Fraser and Andrew Rimas

In Empires of Food, authors Evan D.G. Fraser and Andrew Rimas examine current problems with the global food system by taking a look at examples from history.

Comaco Brings Markets and Hope to Zambian Farmers – and Wildlife

COMACO is promoting both food security and wildlife conservation in Zambia’s Luangwa Valley.

Film Spotlights How Veterans Can Find Solace in Farming

Ground Operations, a film that looks at the important role war vets play in the future of U.S. agriculture.

Eleven Inspiring Sustainable Chefs

Chefs can be arbiters of change, choosing local ingredients and bringing fresh healthy food to the masses. Here are eleven great examples.

Food Tank Book of the Week: The Perfect Protein by Andy Sharpless

Andy Sharpless spoke with Food Tank to explain why the mantra “eat wild, eat local, eat small fish, and eat shellfish” can save the food system.

Wal-Mart: Abuses Animals, Disdains Science

This guest post from Farm Sanctuary reveals the extent to which Wal-Mart supports cruelty to animals.

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