Urban Agriculture

Food Hero: GROW HQ, Urban Food Empathy Center, Builds Local Food Movement in Ireland

In the context of food empathy, urban food growing is not a waste of time – it’s the silver bullet.

Sustainable Business: Growing Home Gives Roots to Those in Need

Growing Home combines two important missions into one initiative: workforce development and production of fresh, organic produce.

Urban Foraging in London Yields Delicious Results

Jason Irving’s Forage Wild Food runs foraging walks across London to help people learn how to identify edible plants that are nutritious and tasty.

40 Chances to Create a Better Food System

Food Tank has compiled a list of 40 individuals and organizations breaking the status quo in food and nutrition security, food sovereignty, and food justice.

Sustainable Business: Field to Fork Organics Co-op Reinvigorates Community

Field to Fork Organics Co-operative supplies local North West London residents with fresh organic produce grown close to home.

UW-Madison Launches $100,000 Prize for Inspiration and Innovation in Agriculture

A new student contest run by the University of Wisconsin-Madison advances the idea that long-term solutions in agriculture must be multidisciplinary.

Real Food Media Project Launches Online Film Competition

A new film competition seeking short films about sustainable food and farming — the Real Food Media Contest — is now open for entries at www.realfoodmedia.org.

Small-Scale Farming Promotes Economic Self-Sufficiency in the Caribbean

Caribbean nations that have long relied on food imports are now working toward self-sufficiency through small-scale farming.

Five Examples of Successful Urban Agriculture Done Differently Around the World

Five examples of urban agriculture from around the globe demonstrate how small-scale and local agriculture in cities do more than just grow food.

14 Reasons to Be Hopeful About the Future of Food

Food Tank’s mission is to highlight stories of hope and success. These are 14 reasons to be hopeful about the future of the food system.

26 Films Every Food Activist Must Watch

Food Tank has selected 26 incredible films educating audiences about changes being made – or that need to be made – in the food system.

Food Tank Book of the Week: The Permaculture Handbook by Peter Bane

Peter Bane, author of The Permaculture Handbook, took the time to speak with Food Tank about his book and his personal experiences with permaculture.

118 Twitter Feeds Every Food Activist Needs to Follow

Food Tank has chosen 118 Twitter accounts for those involved in the food movement, or anyone who just wants to know more about the food system.

Seeds of Change: How One Small Seed Company in the Big City is Making a Difference

Rooftop Ready Seeds offer locally cultivated seeds to New York City gardens and farms

Growing Greener Cities Series Shares Research and Innovations in Urban Food Systems

The Landscapes for People, Food, and Nature Initiative highlights innovations and research that improve the relationship between urban areas and agriculture.

North Brooklyn Farms Opens to the Public

The newest addition to New York’s urban farming community opens to the public.

Food Hero: Dimitri Gatanas, Founder of Harlem’s Urban Garden Center

Community compost, refurbished pallets, and urban hens make for an out-of-the-ordinary garden center experience.

Food for 9 Billion: Multimedia partnership addresses challenges of feeding the world

Food for 9 Billion is a multimedia partnership that explores the challenges of feeding more than 9 billion people by 2050.

A Partnership with Food MythBusters

Food Tank is partnering with Food MythBusters to build an international food community through the power of information.

13 Books on the Food System That Could Save the Environment

Check out these 13 books that identify and explain the problems in the food system—and how to make changes in it.

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