The UAE imports between 80-90 percent of its food supply. Can that change?
Join Us on June 20th for a Summit on Advancing Food Is Medicine Approaches
Join us on June 20th for the extraordinary Food Tank Summit in Boston, where we’re advancing the transformative concept of food as medicine.
Op-Ed: Adolescent Nutrition: What Legacy Are We Giving Our Children?
Are we prepared to see young people as active participants in our pursuit for solutions?
Funding for the Future of Rwandan Food and Nutrition Needs
Investments in the future of Rwanda’s food systems are not only addressing the immediate needs of communities, but also their longterm resilience.
Op-Ed: Food Systems Transformation Will Enable G7 Leaders to Advance Progress on Past Promises
Food systems hold the key to addressing global challenges like conflict, climate change, and hunger.
Revolutionizing Agriculture: How Empowering Women Could Boost Global Food Security and GDP
Recent research shows that dismantling gender inequalities in agrifood systems can boost economic growth, food security, and resilience to climate shocks.
New Coalition Prioritizes Action to Transform Food Systems
The Forum for Farmers and Food Security is launching to connect farmers with markets, unlock investments in the agriculture sector, and encourage the transfer of knowledge.
Global Development’s Glaring Blind Spot: The Power of Smallholder Women Farmers
Smallholder farmers produce up to 80 percent of the food supply in Asian and sub-Saharan African countries, and women are crucial producers on those farms.
World Economic Forum’s Davos Conference Talks Food Systems
Speakers addressed rural food systems, regenerative agriculture, and the future of agri-food tech during Davos 2023.
Looming Cuts to SNAP by New Congress
Some SNAP recipients are expected to see their benefits fall from US$281 to US$23 per month.
123 Food and Agriculture Organizations to Watch in 2023
Keep an eye on these 123 organizations that are pushing for better food and agriculture systems.
Ukrainian ‘Grain Corridor’ as an Indicator of Global Food Security
The agreement that has allowed for the safe export of grain from Ukraine makes food more accessible to those who are one step away from a humanitarian disaster.
Expanding Halal Options to Meet Student Needs
Community initiatives advocate for more halal options in K-12 schools to meet student needs and address food insecurity.
Climate Action Must Include Nutrition
The climate crisis exacerbates hunger and malnutrition by threatening the nutritional quality of crops as well as crop productivity.
A Model for Bold Agricultural Transformation in Kenya
A coalition in West Pokot County, Kenya, hopes to serve as a model for community-led food systems transformation in other countries.
Food Security and Family Planning Are Linked
Some 257 million women around the world who want to avoid pregnancy lack access to safe, modern methods of contraception.
The Importance of Increasing the Resilience of Food and Nutrition Security to Climate Change
Heading into COP27, it’s important to remember that the severity of climate change consequences is critically dependent on progress to reduce emissions and to adapt.