Op-Ed | Flour Power: The Strength and Sustainability of Sorghum

Chefs have the power to steer the conversation toward regenerative agriculture, a practice that gives back to the Earth and yields more nutritious, tastier ingredients.

Growth of Regenerative Farming in Greece

Regenerative farming can improve soil health. Can these practices also help communities reduce the severity of wildfires?

Without Farmers at the Center, Regenerative Agriculture Will Be a Slogan Not a Solution

Regenerative agriculture is gaining traction, promising to mitigate the climate crisis and improve food systems, but its power can’t be unleashed automatically.

Remembering Ronnie Cummins: Advocate of Regenerative Farming Systems

Founder of the Organic Consumers Association, Cummins advocated strongly for a just transition to a food and farming system that served people and the planet.

How Sustainable Agriculture Can Combat Drought and Creates Resilient Food Systems

Droughts have increased globally by nearly 30 percent since 2000. Sustainable land management practices can restore the soil and promote resilience.

Leaders Foster Opportunities to Accelerate Regenerative Agriculture in Food Systems

Senior decision-makers met at the Regenerative Agriculture and Food Systems Summit to discuss opportunities and challenges for the future of sustainable agriculture practices.

Bringing Regenerative Agriculture Back to Indigenous Communities

By offering support and knowledge to Indigenous communities, the organization K’allam’p is working to inspire resilient food systems while strengthening the sovereignty of the Andean people of Ecuador. K’allam’p (pronounced ka-jahm-pah) aims to promote regenerative, holistic land management as well…

Why Cover Crops Are the Solution to Rapid Soil Degradation

About a third of arable land is now moderately to severely degraded, but cover crops offer a potential solution.

Rockefeller Foundation Announces Farmer-Led, Regenerative Agriculture Grants

The grants will go toward promoting Indigenous and regenerative agriculture. 

African Farmer and Entrepreneur to Lead Slow Food International

Ugandan farmer and social entrepreneur Edie Mukiibi is committed to shaping the future of regenerative farming communities worldwide in his new role as President of Slow Food International.

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