Reviving Biodiversity by Bringing the Seeds Home

A new project aims to combat biodiversity loss and revitalize Indigenous food and agriculture systems.

Cary Fowler and Geoffrey Hawtin Named 2024 World Food Prize Laureates

Fowler and Hawtin are recognized for their work in protecting global food security and biodiversity.

Flowering Tree Permaculture Institute: Sowing Seeds of Sustainability

Flowering Tree Permaculture Institute is preserving indigenous wisdom to create a more sustainable and resilient world.

Cultivate Food Sovereignty in Your Home Garden with these Resources

These books offer tips and inspiration for anyone looking to get their hands in the dirt and grow their own food.

Saving Seeds Today Protects Food Systems Tomorrow

Seed saving is offers a way to regain control over food production and build resilient and local food systems.

Telling the Story Behind the Seed

The diversity of seeds is something worth celebrating. That’s why seed saver Ira Wallace is preserving their stories.

Seven Ways to Fight for Food Justice

In honor of World Justice Day, Food Tank is celebrating different ways to support food justice efforts around the world and the organizations committed to this work.

Remembering Percy Schmeiser: Farmer and Hero

Percy Schmeiser, best known for his battles against Monsanto and genetically modified seed patents, passed away on October 13 at the age of 89.

27 Organizations Working to Conserve Seed Biodiversity

Food Tank is highlighting 27 seed saving organizations around the world that are working to preserve genetic diversity and protect food security.

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