FAO Food Wastage Footprint Project Highlights Best Practices

The FAO launches the Food Wastage Project to document best practices in food waste reduction and quantify the global impacts of food waste on the environment.

40 Organizations That Are Shaking Up the Food System

These 40 organizations are doing invaluable work to change the way we eat, grow, cook, buy, and sell food.

Five Ways Food and Agriculture Can Promote Sustainable Water Use and Protect Biodiversity

Today, Food Tank celebrates the International Day for Biological Diversity with five ways to support healthy, diverse ecosystems and sustainable water supplies.

The Five-Borough Farm Project: Expanding urban agriculture potential in NYC

The Five Borough Farm synthesizes urban agriculture research to create innovative metrics and a comprehensive strategy for expanding NYC’s capabilities.

CommonWealth Urban Farms Gives Old Space New Life

An Oklahoma City organization, CommonWealth Urban Farms is striving to make its hometown a more sustainable place through its initiatives in urban agriculture.

Salmon Populations and Their Habitat Threatened by Proposed Mining Operation

Plans to build a large-scale mining operation puts Alaskan salmon, fishermen, and an entire ecosystem at risk.

Slow Fish Event: The Sea Belongs to Everyone

Genoa, Italy’s Porto Antico will host the sixth bi-annual Slow Fish event from May 9th -12th to raise awareness about the sea and promote good, clean and fair f

BCFN YES! 2012 Finalist Profile: Marina Bassani

BCFN YES! 2012 finalist, Marina Bassani’s Make eat! app allows modern users to connect to their environment and their agricultural roots.

10 Movies About the Food Movement Worth Watching

Here are 10 food documentaries worth watching to learn more about issues in the food system.

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