A new documentary directed by Ron Howard and produced by National Geographic highlights the legacy of Chef and Activist, José Andrés, and his food relief organization, World Central Kitchen (WCK).
Entitled We Feed People, the film focuses on the evolution of WCK, from its inception in 2010 following a devastating earthquake in Haiti to its current relief efforts. The nonprofit provides meals in response to humanitarian, climate, and community crises. Andrés notes on WCK’s website that food relief “is not just a meal that keeps hunger away. It’s a plate of hope.” The meals provided by WCK reflect the cuisine of the region, in addition to being nutritious and comforting.
WCK’s work meets at the intersection of food policy transformation, climate justice, immigration reform, and community building. By sourcing food from local farmers to cook and distribute meals, WCK puts money back into the communities it serves. Serving local food prepared by local chefs, WCK seeks to recognize the humanity of the people it serves, rather than prioritizing quantity or calories.
Most recently, in response to the war in Ukraine, WCK served over 27 million meals across eight countries. And in Buffalo, New York, WCK provided 18,000 meals and fresh produce to food insecure residents impacted by a tragic shooting at a local supermarket.
Andrés is also the owner of ThinkFoodGroup, and is a proponent of building partnerships to help move food issues forward. “We are all immigrants in a way, and food is an amazing way to bring us all together to the table where we can have real conversations about moving America forward,” Andrés told an audience as part of his keynote address at the 2017 Food Tank Summit.
WCK, Andrés, and Howard invite the online community to gather and watch the movie together. To participate in the conversation, guests are invited to follow WCK (@WCKitchen) on Twitter and share their thoughts on the documentary using the hashtag #WeFeedPeople.
The documentary will premiere on May 27, 2022, at 8:00PM EDT on Disney+.
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Photo Courtesy of World Central Kitchen