Danielle Nierenberg
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Danielle Nierenberg is President of Food Tank and an expert on sustainable agriculture and food issues. She has written extensively on gender and population, the spread of factory farming in the developing world and innovations in sustainable agriculture.

At National Events, Let’s Keep Food Businesses Accountable to People and the Planet

While many companies highlight sustainable practices, accountability is crucial to ensure they are reaching realistic climate goals.

Dr. Mark Hyman Tells Us ‘How To Activate Our Body’s Own Innate Healing System’

Food has a lot of power, helping people live more healthfully at any age. But every body is different and it’s important to identify a way of eating that works for the individual.

What Happens When Alice Waters Jumps On Your Zoom Call to Talk School Food Procurement

The decisions schools make around food procurement shapes how they literally and metaphorically nourish the next generation.

Using Storytelling in Film to Re-Attach Ourselves to Our Food Systems

Films focused on food systems can help tell us specific ways we can make an impact with the information we’re learning and the stories we’re hearing.

What’s in Your Manifesto for Disrupting Global Food Politics?

From investing in women and youth to recognizing the true value of food, these five actions can help us save ourselves, our food systems, and the world.

This Is Your Sign to Take Action in the Food System this Year!

It’s never too late to get involved in the food movement. Now is the perfect moment to pick an organization whose mission inspires you and help build systems that are better for people and planet.

The Food Donation Improvement Act Is Headed to President Biden’s Desk

Advocates call the passing of the Food Donation Improvement Act “a monumental win for food policy.”

As U.N. Nations Meet Again—this Time, on Biodiversity—What Should We Be Paying Attention to?

COP15 presents a once-in-a-decade opportunity to protect and restore biodiversity. But global leaders can’t do it without acknowledging the role of food and agriculture systems.

Let’s Tell Our Kids Bedtime Stories About Food Systems

Activism, advocacy and involvement in food and agriculture issues can and should start at an early age.

Can Food Justice Be a Religion?

Food and faith are both simultaneously deeply personal and inherently community-based.

COP27 Is Over—What Just Happened?

There is a lot of work to do. There’s also time to take a moment and be grateful for the inspiring folks who came together at COP27 to spark important discussions about the role of agriculture and food in the climate crisis.

Dispatch from the U.N. Climate Change Conference: Friday, Nov. 18

At COP27, speakers embrace the nuance involved in building a more sustainable and equitable food system. There is no one solution.

Dispatch from the U.N. Climate Change Conference: Thursday, Nov. 17

At COP27, conversations continued around food waste, the biodiversity loss crisis, and the role of the alternative meat sector.

Dispatch from the U.N. Climate Change Conference: Tuesday, Nov. 15

Conversations at COP27 are focusing at COP27 on a topic too often ignored in climate conversations: gender equality and women empowerment.

Dispatch from the U.N. Climate Change Conference: Monday, Nov. 14

“We are paying for the food system. We are paying for it in the form of diabetes treatment. We are paying for it in biodiversity loss,” says Sara Farley of The Rockefeller Foundation.

Dispatch from the U.N. Climate Change Conference: Saturday, Nov. 12

Agriculture and Adaptation Day at COP27 is a long overdue recognition of the critical importance of food systems as a climate solution.

Dispatch from the U.N. Climate Change Conference: Friday, Nov. 11

The FAO is planning to launch an initiative this year to tackle on-farm emissions as part of the urgent need to cap global warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Dispatch from the U.N. Climate Change Conference: Thursday, Nov. 10

AT COP27, experts are highlighting the burden shouldered by farmers, the value of Indigenous knowledge systems, and encouraging investors to finance food systems transformation

Dispatch from the U.N. Climate Change Conference: Wednesday, Nov. 9

FoodCOP27 is already off to an incredible start, featuring conversations on the power of youth, the transfer of knowledge from the Global South to the North, and the interconnectedness of climate and nutrition.

150+ speakers. 10 days. 4 food system pavilions. 1 planet to save.

For the first time, COP27 will feature multiple food systems pavilions, providing a historic opportunity to get food and agriculture systems on the agenda.

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