Will Harris won the Growing Green Awards in Sustainable Livestock Production adopting sustainable practices and making his farm a profitable business.
Shelter From the Storm: RIICE Combines Technology and Insurance to Support Rice Farmers
RIICE is an innovative project that uses crop insurance, crop yield monitoring and the latest satellite technology to support smallholder farms Southeast Asia.
GFAR Partnering With EAT to Create Research Network Uniting Agriculture and Nutrition
GFAR has partnered with the EAT Stockholm Food Forum to lead an integrated approach to increasing the sustainability and nutritional value of food.
Agriculture Gets A Facelift: How To Bring Youth Back Into The Field
Youth networks across the world are working tirelessly to excite young people about a career in agriculture.
Menu of Solutions to Feed Nine Billion by 2050
Guardian Sustainable Business hosted a panel of experts to discuss: Food and Agriculture: What Are The Sustainability Challenges?
Ugly Fruit and Vegetables Hit the Catwalk
Intermarché have put ugly fruit and vegetables into the spotlight to educate consumers on food waste.
Bottom-up Sustainability in Australia’s Livestock Industry
Despite a challenging macroeconomic and political context, sheep and cattle farmers in Australia are building a sustainable industry by 2020 through Target 100.
Food Hero: Robert Egger-Founder and President of L.A. Kitchen
“In the fight against hunger, we need less Sara Lee and more cerebellum,” said Robert Egger, Founder of DC Central Kitchen and L.A. Kitchen.
Engaging Agricultural Communities in the Mediterranean
The Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) and the Foundation for South-North Mediterranean Dialogue are aiding rural communities in the Medterranean.
Food to Share: Incredible Edible Takes Root in France
In France, gardeners are making another revolution—they’re planting food to share in their communities.
Starting Sustainability Early Breeds Success
After twenty years, sustainable agriculture and energy production continue to help a small Italian town prosper.
Book of the Week: The Seed Underground: A Growing Revolution to Save Food
Food Tank Book of the Week: The Seed Underground. Saving the world, one seed at a time.
Five Recommendations for Sustaining Agricultural Innovation
Innovation on African smallholder farms is the subject of a new report available through the Global Forum on Agriculture Research.
Grassroots Approach to Reducing Global Food Losses: Interview with Dr. Lisa Kitinoja
Dr. Lisa Kitinoja, founder of The Postharvest Education Foundation, sits down with Food Tank to discuss a grassroots approach to reducing postharvest food loss.
Food Hero: John Reganold, Sustainable Food and Farm Educator Winner of the Growing Green Awards 2014
John Reganold has played an important role in transforming U.S. agriculture through education.
How Smallholder Farmer Access to ICTs are Improving Farming
The Global Forum on Agricultural Research is working to improve access to ICT technologies for better farming.
What is the Number One Complaint About Organic Food?
The Vancouver-based Sole Food Street Farms aims to tackle the challenge of pricey organics by proposing a pay-what-you-can organic veggie stand.
16 Organizations Working to Raise Antibiotic Resistance Awareness
Food Tank highlights sixteen organizations and research institutes working to raise awareness around antibiotic resistance in livestock and crop production.
Indigenous Crop: Uncovering Blue Camas
Underneath a Garry oak tree lies the blue camas, a semi-agricultural plant of the Coastal First Peoples.
10 Urban Agriculture Projects from Europe’s Greenest City: Freiburg, Germany
Freiburg is historically one of the most environmentally-conscious cities in all of Europe. Food Tank highlights ten urban agriculture projects in Freiburg.