The chicken tractor is a sustainable, humane, cost-effective, and fun way for farmers to integrate chickens into an agro-ecological system.
Exploring gender-based inequalities in land ownership in Africa
The International Food Policy Research Institute looks to more fully explore the gender-based inequalities in land ownership that exist across Africa.
The Farm Bill reform that will feed millions
A small but lifesaving change is a big political step toward a smarter food aid system.
Feeding the 5000 Wages War on the ‘Global Food Waste Scandal’
Tristram Stuart and Feeding the 5000 uncover the ‘Global Food Waste Scandal,’ and inspire others to find solutions to global food waste.
Real Food Media Contest Films Highlight Sustainable Farming and Agriculture
The Real Food Media Project has selected the top films among the submissions from its Real Food Media Contest.
Bread for the World: A Voice Fighting to Eradicate Hunger and Poverty
Bread for the World is a Christian organization that urges United States policy makers and decision makers to end world hunger.
The Great Green Wall of Africa: Greening the Sahel to Turn Back the Tide of Desertification
The Great Green Wall is a bold effort to re-forest thousands of kilometers of land in the Sahel while developing local economies and reversing desertification.
Indigenous Crop: Passion Fruit— Living Up to Its Name in Gardens and Kitchens throughout the World
Passion fruit is a sweet, tart, and aromatic fruit that pleases the culinary senses of those lucky enough to consume it.
Indigenous Crop: Egusi — More than a Melon
Although the flesh of the egusi melon is bitter and dry, the main source of food is within the seeds.
How Veggies Can Save the Food System: The World Vegetable Center
The World Vegetable Center improves vegetable supply chains in developing regions through local projects and global research.
Farmers’ Forum: Rome, Italy — February 17-20, 2014
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will be hosting the fifth global meeting of the Farmers’ Forum February 17-20, 2014 in Rome, Italy.
Morocco, The High Atlas Foundation
The World Congress on Agroforestry 2014 will be held in Delhi, India and is supporting farmers across the globe so that they can better their livelihoods.
Indigenous Crop: Teff- Ancient Crop with Modern Potential
Teff, a staple grain in Ethiopia, is a highly nutritious and hardy grain which has potential to help improve food security throughout the developing world.
UC Berkeley Journalism Fellowship Makes Food a Serious Topic in the Media
The 11th Hour Food and Farming Journalism Fellowship offers journalists a chance to report on topics related to U.S. food systems.
Meals For Good makes healthy, home-cooked meals easy and affordable
Meals For Good aims to make cooking at home healthy, affordable and effortless.
International Year of Family Farming: The World Rural Forum
The World Rural Forum (WRF) successfully launched the International Year of Family Farming 2014, representing rural development across the globe.
Share Your Calories: An App That Helps Your Health and Ends World Hunger
Share Your Calories is a new app that has teamed up with Stop Hunger Now to improve your health and stop world hunger with the click of a button.
Food Hero: Chris Proctor, Founder of Five Loaves
Marketing, advocating and fundraising, the Five Loaves team seats the hungry with the fed through distinct partnerships.
Food Tank Book of the Week: The Coming Famine: The Global Food Crisis and What We Can Do to Avoid it
Julian Cribb illuminates what he calls, Humanity’s greatest test—how do we feed a growing population with less?
Banking on Better Health: Food Banks and Nutritional Quality Assurance
Food Banks are putting policies in place to decrease the number of unhealthy foods that are offered to their clients.