In the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japanese cooperatives have embraced social responsibility in times of public fear.
Policy and Organizing
Bringing it Closer to Home – Boston approves commercial farming within city limits
Boston steps into the future, joining other U.S. cities in allowing commercial urban farming.
Local to Global Connections
Anuradha Mittal, director of the Oakland Institute, explains how research informs the public and affects policy.
On Our Land – The machinery behind one of the world’s major land grabs in Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea is home to the world’s third-largest rainforest – and the fastest, biggest land grab on the planet.
Regressions in Decision-Making and Policy-Setting Procedures Pertaining to Animal Farming
The Center for a Livable Future released its analysis of the impact of the Pew Commission’s report and recommendations. The findings are shocking.
The Paiute Tribe’s Food System Project restores control of food system
The Owen Valley’s Paiute tribe aims to regain control of its food system through its Sustainable Food System Development Project.
SOIL Transforms Waste Into Organic Compost
SOIL is a non-profit organization “dedicated to protecting soil resources, empowering communities and transforming wastes into resources in Haiti.”
World’s Largest Organization of Food Professionals Leads Event To Empower Nation and Improve Health
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics held its annual Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo, offering the most up to date nutritional information and trends.
Farm Aid’s Big Projects Benefit Small Family Farms around the Country
Here’s how some of music’s biggest rock icons are putting the small family farm at center stage with Farm Aid.
Restaurant Workers Fight for Fair Wages: An Interview with Jazmin Curiel, Member of ROC-Chicago
Restaurant workers are paid low wages, seldom receive employee benefits, and are rarely offered raises or promotions.
15 Websites Saving the Environment by Changing the Food System
Each of these 15 websites explores the complex relationship between food and the environment.
Chicago Council: The challenges are immense, but our capacity is unlimited, says Secretary Vilsack
Live-blogging the Chicago Council Global Food Security Symposium: Keynote speech by Secretary Tom Vilsack
Chicago Council: Trade and Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities, Final Symposium Panel
Live-blogging the Chicago Council Global Food Security Symposium: Trade and Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities, Final Symposium Panel
Chicago Council: Dan Glickman and Catherine Bertini’s case for reengagement in food and ag issues
Live-blogging the Chicago Council Global Food Security Symposium: Dan Glickman and Catherine Bertini
Register to Attend the Innovative Ideas to Change the World Contest!
On May 21, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will host the Innovative Ideas to Feed the World Competition.
Fast Food Forward Speeds Ahead with Labor Strikes
A new campaign supports low-wage fast food workers’ fight for higher wages and unionization