Sustainable Agriculture

International Year of Family Farming: SELF Helps Family Farmers Conserve Valuable Water Resources

Food Tank interviews Robert Freling, Executive Director of SELF, about water-conserving innovations for family farmers.

The Powerful Potential of SoilIQ for Kenyan Farmers

SoilIQ, a plug-in for Android phones, may be the device to improve crop production and improve income for Kenyan farmers.

FAO Statistical Yearbook Offers Detailed Look at World’s Food and Agriculture

The 2013 edition of U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization Statistical Yearbook paints a detailed picture of the world’s food and agriculture today.

Enset: The Drought-Resistant Miracle Plant

Enset, a staple crop for many Ethiopians, has been proven to conserve water resources and stand strong against the effects of climate change.

Innovations and Cooperation for World Water Week

During World Water Week, Food Tank will highlight research and innovations that are working to conserve water resources and make clean water available to all.

Food Hero: Matthew Liebman, Pioneer in Sustainable Agriculture Research

Matthew Liebman, this week’s Food Hero, answers questions about his innovative research in sustainable agriculture.

Natural Resources Defense Council Shares Four Ways to Eat Green

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) recommends four ways to “eat green” in order to help save the environment.

International Year of Family Farming: How Can Permaculture Help Family Farmers?

In the Permaculture Voices Shout webinar, speakers discussed methods and benefits of permaculture for smallholder and family farms.

Africa’s First Soil Atlas

Scientists have compiled the first soil atlas of Africa to help the general public, policymakers, land users, and scientists understand this key resource.

Ten Tips to Make Organic Work for You

Eating organic food may seem too expensive to be viable for everyone, but Diana Donlon has tips to make eating organic easier on your wallet.

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