These Leaders Are Learning to ‘Make the World Better With Food’

So many other culinary education and food studies programs are guiding the next generation of leaders to think deeply about human and planetary health.

Saving Seeds Today Protects Food Systems Tomorrow

Seed saving is offers a way to regain control over food production and build resilient and local food systems.

As U.N. Nations Meet Again—this Time, on Biodiversity—What Should We Be Paying Attention to?

COP15 presents a once-in-a-decade opportunity to protect and restore biodiversity. But global leaders can’t do it without acknowledging the role of food and agriculture systems.

Indigenous Peoples Hold the Past and Future of Food in Their Hands

International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples offers an opportunity to give thanks to the Indigenous cultures who steward the land and protect the world’s biodiversity.

27 Organizations Working to Conserve Seed Biodiversity

Food Tank is highlighting 27 seed saving organizations around the world that are working to preserve genetic diversity and protect food security.

Largest Seed Deposit in a Decade at Svalbard Global Seed Vault Celebrates Diversity

The seed count at the Svalbard Global Seed Vault mounted 1 million with contributions from the Cherokee Nation and more first-time donors.

Opinion | The Last Crop Before the Desert

Breeders from ICARDA are using a crop’s wild cousins to develop barley varieties that can survive on the fringes of the desert.

This Season, Focus on Creating Convivial Food Experiences

As technology makes it easier to order delivery or eat alone, conviviality—the pleasure of eating with others—is becoming tougher. These strategies make it easier to create joyful, communal food experiences.

Meet the Chef Serving Up Pork Schmaltz in Appalachia

“They talk about New York as a melting pot, but it’s really here, in the mountains,” Virginian Chef Ian Boden says.

The Chef Keeping Appalachian Food for Appalachians

Chef Marion Ohlinger works with local farmers to incorporate native Appalachian crops into his dishes while paying homage to other cuisines.

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