The Ecuadorian government started the program Emprendimiento Estratégico del Trigo (Strategic Wheat Ventures) to increase domestic wheat production.
How Veggies Can Save the Food System: The World Vegetable Center
The World Vegetable Center improves vegetable supply chains in developing regions through local projects and global research.
Forests as Providers
Farmers, eaters, and policy makers should be educated on the resilience, health, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability of food forests.
Principles for an Agricultural Regeneration
The growing number of people passionately engaged in changing the food system will eventually get us where we need to go.
Farmers’ Forum: Rome, Italy — February 17-20, 2014
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will be hosting the fifth global meeting of the Farmers’ Forum February 17-20, 2014 in Rome, Italy.
Morocco, The High Atlas Foundation
The World Congress on Agroforestry 2014 will be held in Delhi, India and is supporting farmers across the globe so that they can better their livelihoods.
Feed South Africa: Food Bloggers Create Recipe for Philanthropy
Food bloggers are donating their posts to support The Lunchbox Fund and fundraising to feed South African school children a daily meal for one year.
World Congress on Agroforestry: a springboard to accelerate the impacts of agroforestry
The World Congress on Agroforestry will increase awareness, support, engagement, and investment in agroforestry this week in Delhi, India.
“HEALing” with cooking, growing, and eating
HEALing Community Center is reaching beyond the boundaries of traditional medicine to transform the health of residents.
Indigenous Crop: Teff- Ancient Crop with Modern Potential
Teff, a staple grain in Ethiopia, is a highly nutritious and hardy grain which has potential to help improve food security throughout the developing world.
The Evolution of School Feeding
Francis Peel discusses key points regarding the global growth of government-led Home Grown School Feeding programs and the impact they have on education.
Salsa, Sabor y Salud Helps Families Make Better Choices
Salsa, Sabor, y Salud, a curriculum created by the National Latino Children’s Foundation, works with families to increase nutrition and physical activity.
Manna to Math: A Conversation with a Food Education Leader
Sarah Elizabeth Ippel, The Academy for Global Citizenship’s dedicated founder, discusses school breakfasts, daily curriculum and widespread implementation.
Food Is… Being Wasted
Documentary Photographer Chris King recently launched Food Is…. The new project documents food waste solutions in the UK.
Cyanobacterial Bio-fertilizer: Nature’s Own Solution for Improved Soil Fertility
Cyanobacterial bio-fertilizer can be an environmentally-friendly and affordable nitrogen-rich fertilizer which farmers can use to improve soil fertility.
3 Reasons You Need to Support Indigenous Peoples, Even If You Are Not Indigenous
Your trendy new tea or super-fruit of the month was most likely discovered by Indigenous Peoples long before they hit your grocery store shelf.
Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Program Lanuches New Microsite
The Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security program started by The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research launched a new microsite.
IYFF: Vietnam, strengthening the competitiveness of smallholder farmers
The Agriculture Competitiveness Project for Vietnam is supporting smallholder farmers in Vietnam, enabling them to do more in less time.
Prison Inmates Gardening at Cedar Creek Correctional Center: A Volunteer’s Perspective
Prison inmates garden at Cedar Creek Correctional Center through The Sustainability in Prisons Project (SPP).
Setting the Standard: Improving Monitoring and Evaluation for Sustainable Supply Chains
A focus group organized by EcoAgriculture Partners and Rainforest Alliance explored the tools and evaluation methods used in agricultural sustainability.