Next steps for taking “good food” mainstream

Food Hubs: Solving Local presents five case studies that show how food retailers team up with regional food hubs.

GFAR: Why Agriculture Needs Young People

Family farming needs to attract younger people in order to maintain current levels of output.

International Year of Family Farming, RIICE

RIICE is a project running in Southeast Asia that is working to empower smallholder farmers and poverty-stricken individuals.

Science, Crops, and Food Security: Research at Tel Aviv’s The Manna Center

Researchers at The Manna Center for Plant Biosciences out of Tel Aviv University are studying plant traits to improve global food security.

More Crop Per Drop

On World Water Day this year, Food Tank honors the projects, people, and programs working tirelessly to achieve more with less water.

The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy’s New President: Juliette Majot

Join The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy in welcoming Juliette Majot as their new president.

Food Desert to Healthy Oasis and Sustainable Green Job Creation

Hydroponic farming can literally change the trajectory of chronic poor nutrition.

Innovation for Sustainability: Chicken Tractors, a Simple Innovation with a Big Payoff

The chicken tractor is a sustainable, humane, cost-effective, and fun way for farmers to integrate chickens into an agro-ecological system.

Local Progress Towards a Global Solution: Learning Gardens

Learning Gardens, experiential outdoor garden-classrooms, prove to be worthwhile educational investment.

Skyscraper Farms Will Take Urban Agriculture to New Heights

Growing up may bear fruit in the fruit in the future. Skyscraper farms can be a reality.

Indigenous Crop: Dika – On the Brink of Domestication

The dika tree is only found in Western Africa. Known for its seeds, the dika tree also provides shade in the heat and humidity.

INFOGRAPHIC: How Thirsty Is Your Food?

When it comes to water use, plants are not created equal. Here’s how much water some of California’s major crops require.

Food Hero: Sasha Kramer, How SOIL Works at the Nexus of Human Rights and Ecology

Sasha Kramer, Co-founder of Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods, works to transform human waste into growing tool

Is Big Food really the next Big Tobacco? New proposals want to hold food manufacturers accountable.

Is Big Food the next Big Tobacco when it comes to holding the food industry accountable for health care costs?

Cool Foods Campaign’s Food & Climate: Connecting the Dots, Choosing the Way Forward

In the face of a changing climate, perhaps organic agriculture was once viewed as “alternative” deserves another look.

IYFF Falls on Middle Year of Substantial IFAD Argentinian Investment

2014, The International Year of Family Farming, is also the mid-program point of a US$150 million IFAD investment in Argentinian family farmers.

Exploring gender-based inequalities in land ownership in Africa

The International Food Policy Research Institute looks to more fully explore the gender-based inequalities in land ownership that exist across Africa.

Humanely sourced meals at the tip of your fingers; A new app supporting animal welfare

Finding restaurants that serve humanely sourced foods could get a lot easier with the Humane Eating Project app.

Growing Innovation in the International Year of Family Farming

Collaborative campaign to create an open source online library of agricultural innovations and a new book documenting sustainable models developed by farmers.

Organic Agriculture — Between Pragmatism & Romanticisms: Insights into the work of FiBL in Frick

The Research Institute for Organic Agriculture (FiBL) looks to youth education to promote organic farming.

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