
Public Development Banks Must Stop Financing Factory Farming

Multinational development banks that pledged to align their lending with the Paris Agreement continue to pump money into industrial animal agriculture.

Report Investigates the Past, Present, and Future of Agrochemicals and Environmental Justice

New resources help students understand the ways industrial agriculture and agrochemicals impact their own communities and surrounding environments.

Report Highlights Growth and Challenges for Organic Farmers

OFRF hopes the report helps to empower organic producers to grow and continue to implement climate-friendly practices.

Global Alliance Report Highlights Investment Strategies for Resilient Food Systems

A new report encourages investors to use creative financial strategies to promote food system sustainability, resiliency, and equity.

Developing a More Inclusive Food Future Through Research and Innovation

Using human-centered design, research, and development, researchers are working to build resilience in the food system.

Our Healing Begins in the Soil

Regenerative Organic Certification was designed to raise the bar for farmers, food producers, and brands.

The Global Alliance Releases Toolkit to Help Countries Prioritize Food Systems in Climate Policies

The Global Alliance for the Future of Food recently found that almost all countries overlook critical demand-side measures to integrate food systems transformation into climate policies.

27 Spirits for a Sustainable Happy Hour

These companies are bringing consumers beverages that help raise environmental consciousness, support local economies, and lessen harmful impacts on the planet.

African Community Leaders Tell Congress: Stop Funding African Green Revolution

Research into AGRA shows that the billion-dollar effort to double yields and incomes by 2020 for 30 million small-scale farming households has failed.

What Extreme Heat Means for Crop Productivity

Changes in crop productivity are expected to drive food prices and land use up.

New Book Lifts Up Traditional Farming Practices as a Solution to the Climate Crisis

Healing Grounds highlights traditional farming practices that can build resilience in response to climate change.

Is Fake Meat a False Promise? New Report Exposes the Politics of Alternative Proteins

The new Politics of Protein report by IPES-Food finds that fake meats “risk recreating the same problems of our industrial food system.”

Rockefeller Foundation Commits $105M to New Good Food Strategy

The Strategy marks the Foundation’s largest commitment to nutrition in its 109-year history.

For Malawi, Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Presents Both Challenges and Opportunities

The war in Ukraine is expected to drive fuel, food, and fertilizer costs to historic highs in Malawi.

New Report Shows That More Colleges Have Every Reason to Ditch Toxic Pesticides

Transitioning to organic practices can have economic, environmental, and health benefits, research shows.

For a Hog Farmer in Iowa, Staying Small Isn’t Easy

The Kenyons knew they needed to find a stable market that would allow them to raise their hogs humanely and sustainably.

Food Tank’s Spring 2022 Book List

Food Tank is rounding up 20 titles that celebrate ancestral farming practices, document the importance of marine ecosystems, introduce readers to new recipes, and more.

Congress Should Pull the Plug on USAID’S Failing African Green Revolution

U.S. Congress should shift funding toward more promising ecological programs that will support farmers.

Know Thy Farmer

When the soil microbiome is healthy and in balance, it directly, positively, impacts the health of the plants that grow in it.

“Companies Have an Essential Role to Play, but Every Lever Has to Be Moving,” Julie Kunen Says

“The market moves things,” says Julie Kunen, and leveraging its potential has the power drive change in the food system. But the private sector can’t do it alone.

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