Food Waste

Beautiful Things Come From Ugly Produce: Almost 200,000 Pounds Saved

The ugly produce startup Hungry Harvest is more than just a startup now as they approach 200,000 pounds of saved food.

Reducing Global Food Waste to Save Billions

A global effort to reduce food waste will not only help the environment, but it will also save billions of dollars.

Survey Says… Americans Care About Wasted Food

The first ever national consumer survey on wasted food in the United States was published June 10.

24 Ways Chefs are Cooking up Change Outside of the Kitchen

Chefs have a unique part to play in making the food system more environmentally sustainable, socially just, and delicious.

Turning Veggies from Sidekick to Star: Talking Tacos with Chaia DC

Sustainably-minded chefs at Chaia offer plant-based tacos to Washington, D.C. market goers.

10 Facts You Might Not Know About Food Waste

On World Environment Day 2015, join Food Tank and BCFN in putting an end to food waste around the world.

This World Environment Day, Consume Food More Responsibly #WED2015

This World Environment Day, and everyday, we can all take steps to minimize food-related resource consumption.

Maria Finn: Rethinking Our Relationship with Art, Food, and the Sea

Artist and author Maria Finn suggests innovative ways to eat locally and purchase justly in part two of Food Tank’s Q&A.

Maria Finn: Rethinking Our Relationship with Art, Food, and the Sea

Autodesk 2014 artist-in-residence Maria Finn discusses her art, her food, and the ocean’s role in both.

Ben Simon: Imperfect Produce May Be the Bay Area’s Perfect Solution

Food Tank talks with Ben Simon about Imperfect Produce, a new food recovery project that plans to give consumers access to affordable, ugly produce.

Will France Mainstream “le doggy-bag”?

The French take their food seriously—and now, this spring’s significant cultural and political shifts have confirmed they don’t look too kindly on wasting it.

The Ugly Truth: Imperfect Produce Tastes Great and this Retailer is Selling it at a Discount

Canada’s largest grocery retailer launched a new campaign to get ugly produce out of landfills and into grocery aisles.

Waste Not, Want Not: Filmmakers Live on Wasted Food in Challenging New Documentary

In the new documentary “Just Eat It,” premiering April 22 on MSNBC, two filmmakers take on food waste by living exclusively on rescued food for six months.

Food Shouldn’t be WastED: An Interview with Baldor Foods

Food Tank recently had the opportunity to talk to the President of Baldor Foods about how the company is addressing the issue of food waste.

The Business Case for Ugly Produce

As the business case for ugly produce builds, will U.S. grocers grab this low-hanging fruit or leave it to rot?

Reclaimed Gourmet: 5 Takeaways from NYC’s WastED

Five takeaways on the phenomenon that was WastED (#WastEDny) from food waste expert Jonathan Bloom.

I Value Food: Preventing Food Waste Begins in the Fridge

Explore the shocking facts about food waste in the U.S. with the new interactive online campaign “I Value Food,” launched by Sustainable America last month.

Where is Water Hiding in Your Food?

Here are eight facts about water eaters and consumers might not know about.

French Senate Abolishes Best Before (DLUO) Label

The controversial best-before (DLUO) label for non-perishable food products has been abolished in France by the French Senate.

NYT Talks Trash—And That’s a Great Thing

The New York Times is talking trash—food trash. This week’s Food section features three compelling, informative pieces on food waste.

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