
Harvard and NYU Report Reveals Risk for Zoonotic Disease in U.S. Animal Markets

Harvard Law School and New York University’s recent report on 36 U.S. animal markets reveals hidden risks and regulatory challenges in a fragmented system that could impact public health.

Philanthropy’s Role in the Climate Emergency: “Transformation Means Challenging the Status Quo”

Philanthropy spends billions on issue areas that are implicitly connected to food systems, yet food issues are seldom explicitly addressed in funding strategies.

Nipah Virus Reemerges in India

Farmers worry how the concerns over the virus might impact demand for their products.

Florida Researchers Aim to Help Farmers Save Harvests From Fruit Drop

They hope their new findings will help combat citrus greening, protect orange trees, and save farmers’ livelihoods.

Does Kenya Need GMO Cassava? Ask the World Food Prize-winner Who Saved Africa’s Cassava

Hans Herren, who won the 1995 World Food Prize for biological pest control, argues that Africa still does not need genetically modified cassava. Rather, natural solutions can treat pests and keep the soil and crops healthy.

Herbicide Dicamba Banned by U.S. Court of Appeals

“The approved over-the-top use of dicamba and resulting dicamba drift has damaged millions of acres of soybean fields and countless acres of damage to other crops.”

Social and Environmental Justice Activists React to EU Farm to Fork Strategy

The EU’s new Farm to Fork strategy marks a turning point in climate change legislation, setting forth principles to alleviate the environmental and social impacts of food production and food consumption

Impact of Climate Change on Pests and Diseases of Cassava Crop

Cassava is an important staple crop in many countries around the world and is crucial for food security. But climate change makes the staple crop vulnerable to pests and diseases.

Opinion | Why Talk of Regenerative Agriculture Should Include Pesticide Reduction

Soil carbon sequestration is becoming a topic for farmers and politicians alike—but which conversations will distinguish sustainability from trend?

Opinion | The Rise of the Superbugs—and Why Industrial Farming Is to Blame

The power of antibiotics is diminishing. As farmers and agribusiness leaders still rely on antibiotics to keep their livestock healthy, should they be concerned for the future?

Opinion | 5 Agricultural Practices that can make #EarthDay4Insects

ILM is the process through which community stakeholders come together across sectors and interests to collaboratively plan and design their environment, agreeing on sustainable ways to use land.

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