Policy and Organizing

IFAD Launches AgTalks Series to Present Human Face of Family Farming

As a contribution to the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF), the International Fund for Agricultural Development, is launching the AgTalks series.

A Feast of Information: This Online Platform is Coordinating Food Advocates Across the Globe

The Global SCP Clearinghouse aims to be a one-stop hub, bringing together scattered information into a coherent space for the international community.

Join the Conversation on ICTs and Family Farming

GFAR pledged to increase joint efforts to boost the contribution of science, technology and innovation to enable family farmers to improve their livelihoods.

New SOFI Report Demonstrates that the War Against Hunger Can Be Won

Although over 805 million people are still malnourished, global hunger is diminishing.

Scaling Up Agroecological Solutions, Farmer to Farmer

The benefits and use of agroecological farming will be investigated and shared at the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food and Nutrition Security.

Small Island Developing States Face Unique Development Challenges

Small Island Developing States are becoming the focus of IFAD’s development discussions.

Take One Simple Step to Create a Better Food System—Today!

Take the pledge to stand up for a food system that is fair and just and join the almost 5,000 other supporters!

Organized Crime No Longer Has a Place in the Mexican Lime Industry

Drug cartels are being squeezed out of the Mexican lime industry.

Food Recovery: A New Standard in the Food Industry

Does food recovery hold the key to reducing hunger as our global population hits nine billion by 2015?

FAO Announces International Symposium on Agroecology

The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will host an International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition this September.

The Need for Long-Term Drought Policy: From Crisis to Risk Management

There is a call for long-term risk management policy approaches in the context of the increasing severity and longevity of droughts worldwide.

ROC United Unmasks the National Restaurant Association

ROC United denounces the detrimental lobbying activities of the National Restaurant Association and calls upon Congress to stop accepting its corporate cash.

Agrarian Elders are Cultivating the Next Generation of Agricultural Leaders

The Agrarian Elders Conference held at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, addressed the concerns of America’s original organic farmers.

Food Oasis Vision Places Residents at Heart of a Food Strategy

Residents described a Food Oasis vision that has become the framework for grant making and organizing tools for residents.

GFAR Report Finds that Strengthening Farmers’ Rights Can Prevent Food Insecurity

GFAR finds that Guatemalan farmers seek inclusion in local and national discussions about their rights and the future of seed preservation.

Chicago Council: The Climate-Food Nexus: Awareness, Investment, and Action are Key

The first panel discussion at The Chicago Council for Global Affairs’ Global Food Security Symposium explored the climate-food nexus.

Exclusive Invitation: Sweets and Snacks Expose Party Hosted by Oxfam America

Join Oxfam America & Rainforest Action Network as they celebrate ways big food companies can protect the environment and empower people to overcome poverty.

Stockholm EAT Initiative Will Bring Together Leaders to Discuss Sustainability Solutions

EAT Forum will bring together sustainability pioneers to discuss and implement strategy for confronting global food sustainability in May in Stockholm.

Workers’ Fight to Form Unions in the South

The South has formed the smallest number of unions in the United States, which has lead to poor working conditions and lack of workers’ rights.

Working with GFAR, Young Agri-professionals Become Global Leaders

Young agriculturalists speak out about why youth are not attracted to careers in farming and how to change that trend.

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