Policy and Organizing

Black-led Food Co-ops Restore Justice, Hope, and Power

Co-ops can serve as one tool for Black communities address systemic inequalities in the food system.

Looming Cuts to SNAP by New Congress

Some SNAP recipients are expected to see their benefits fall from US$281 to US$23 per month.

Collective Action for Brazil’s Food Delivery Worker Rights

Without adequate protections, the health and wellbeing of food delivery workers in Brazil are at stake.

What’s in Your Manifesto for Disrupting Global Food Politics?

From investing in women and youth to recognizing the true value of food, these five actions can help us save ourselves, our food systems, and the world.

No Reason for Alarm over Mexico’s GM-Corn Ban

U.S. farmers already grow non-GM corn and according to reports, many can and would produce it for Mexico if given time to prepare.

Three Years into the United Nations Decade of Family Farming: Lessons and Opportunities

The Decade of Family Farming was established to empower family farmers and rural communities while promoting food system reform. What has it accomplished so far?

Reforming SNAP Can Help Increase Food Access for People with Disabilities

People with disabilities face higher levels of food insecurity, but reforms to SNAP can help increase access to nutritious food.

Coffee Shop Workers in Maine Form a Union, Reflecting Nationwide Movement

A coffee shop in Brunswick is one of the latest foodservice establishments to form a union in Maine.

The Food Donation Improvement Act Is Headed to President Biden’s Desk

Advocates call the passing of the Food Donation Improvement Act “a monumental win for food policy.”

Congress Passes the Food Donation Improvement Act

The Food Donation Improvement Act will make it easier for food businesses to donate healthy, safe surplus food to those in need.

What Will Be the Legacy of Today’s Young Farmer Advocates?

Young farmer are advocating for changes that will allow them to develop resilient regional food systems that benefit people and the land.

Expanding Halal Options to Meet Student Needs

Community initiatives advocate for more halal options in K-12 schools to meet student needs and address food insecurity.

New Report Calls for Advancing Equity in Agriculture for the 2023 Farm Bill

With the upcoming Farm Bill, policymakers have the opportunity to support historically underrepresented farmers and ranchers.

The New Publication Putting Eyes on Food and Agriculture Policy

Food Fix is breaking down U.S. food and agriculture policy for general readers and policy insiders, alike.

Can Food Justice Be a Religion?

Food and faith are both simultaneously deeply personal and inherently community-based.

Reimagine and Re:wild Your College Campus

Re:wild Your Campus is reimagining Colleges without toxic herbicides and pesticides.

Current Laws Fail to Protect Farm Workers from Pesticides

A recent report shows that farm workers are at risk of exposure to harmful pesticides due to failed enforcement of federal and state laws.

Inserting Food and Agriculture into Climate Action Plans

Incorporating food and agriculture systems into the Nationally Determined Contributions provide governments the chance to address their importance before another crisis hits.

Food Systems Leaders Call for Recognition of the True Value of Food

“I don’t think we value the food enough,” says Zitouni Ould-Dada, Deputy Director in the Climate and Environment Division at the FAO. “We don’t value the soil enough. We don’t value the ecosystems in general enough.”

Voters in Portland, ME to Decide Whether to Raise Wages for Workers

Voters In Portland, ME will decide whether to eliminate the subminimum wage for tipped workers and raise wages across the foodservice industry.

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