A Young Farmer Makes the Business Case for Humane Hog Farming

The family’s farm shows how smaller-scale, humane hog farming can be both environmentally and economically sustainable.

Op-Ed | California Crate-Free Law Offers Hog Farmers Economic Opportunity

Both Prop 12 and Question 3 passed with sweeping voter support, indicating approval for better animal welfare practices.

A New Hog Farming Model for the Next Generation

Steven and Alaina Imhoff knew they wanted to expand their hog farming at Triple Creek Farms in southeast Iowa. And they were convinced that the industrial route wasn’t going to suit them. In 2019, they connected with Niman Ranch, which…

USDA Organic Livestock Standards Set to Improve Animal Welfare and Public Health

The proposed rule has the potential to increase animal welfare for livestock raised in the United States.

Op-Ed: Humans Love Animals but Also Love Meat. Food Innovation Can Help Resolve this Paradox

When it comes to animal welfare, the right technology applied in the right way can make all the difference.

New York May Be First State to Have Values-Based Food Purchasing

The Good Food NY Bill would make NYC the first to install a values-based approach to food purchasing.

European Commission Commits to Phasing Out Caged Farming

The EU Commission recently pledged to phase out, and eventually ban, caged farming by 2027.

What Do Those Food Labels Really Mean?

Wondering how to decipher the labels that appear on food packaging? This article can help.

16 Organizations Redefining the Future of Livestock Management

These 16 organizations are nourishing the planet through healthy, sustainable livestock production systems.

Learning a New Way of Farming: “There’s Never a Dull Moment”

Since changing their livestock practices, farmers Benjamin and Bryanna Harner say it is rewarding to see happier, calmer pigs.

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