The U.N. General Assembly Officially Declares the Decade of Family Farming

The U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution aiming to ignite international efforts to support family farmers and their roles in developing hunger and poverty solutions.

Biodiversity for Resilience Against Natural Disasters

As climate shocks increase in frequency and intensity, agricultural biodiversity—the variety of species of plants, animals, and microorganisms used for agriculture and food production—is an increasingly important part of resilience building.

Counting the Beans: New Tool Measures the True Cost of Food

With WFP’s Counting the Beans tool, users can compare the relative price of the same plate of food in a diverse range of countries around the world.

2017 Round of Global Climate Change Talks Sees First-Ever Progress on Agriculture

For the first time in the 25-year history of international climate negotiations, the 197 member countries of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have reached an agreement on agriculture. The milestone came near the close of the 23rd Conference of Parties (COP23) of the UNFCCC and formally establishes a process called the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture.

New FAO Report: Build Peace to Reduce Hunger

A new report by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization reveals the link between conflict and food insecurity and identifies pathways to help build resilience against conflict and contribute to sustaining peace.

FAO Highlights Rural-Urban Connections to Reduce Hunger

The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization have just released the 2017 State of Food and Agriculture report. Connecting rural areas with surrounding cities and towns will create more sustainable food systems and help alleviate rural poverty, the report argues.

Food Security and Agriculture in Haiti Hit Hard by Hurricane Irma

In the weeks following Hurricane Irma, humanitarian organizations launch responses and request funding to help Haiti through food insecurity and agricultural destruction.

U.N. Report Global Hunger Report Highlights Need for “Conflict-Sensitive Approach”

A new United Nations collaborative report finds global hunger, exacerbated by conflict and climate crises around the world, is on the rise.

New Report: Climate Change Affects Every Step of the Food Value Chain

A new IFPRI report examines climate change’s effect on nutrition and how a “climate-smart, nutrition-sensitive” food system, as well as mitigation and adaptation strategies, can reduce morbidity and mortality.

FAO Places Sustainable Agriculture Center Stage in National Climate Change Plans

The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization has unveiled new guidelines to help countries place agriculture at the center of climate change adaptation plans.

Food Insecurity on the Rise: A New Collaborative Report Provides a Global Picture

A new collaborative report combines a variety of data sources for a comprehensive picture of global food insecurity in 65 countries in 2016, its exacerbating factors, and a near-future outlook.

Companies Earn USD$14 for Every USD$1 Invested in Reducing Food Waste

Champions 12.3, a coalition of leaders in food waste reduction released a new report claiming businesses earn USD$14 for every USD$1 spent to reduce food loss and waste. Findings from The Business Case for Reducing Food Loss and Waste incentivizes decisionmakers in a new way.

Africa’s First Postharvest Loss Reduction Innovation Conference and Competition

From March 28 to 31, your solution to food waste in Africa could be pitched at a groundbreaking conference in Kenya.

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