“Gleason Ranch: Risking Everything” is a documentary film that tells the story of two sisters struggling to hold onto their 5th-generation family ranch.
Waste Not, Want Not: Away From Landfills and into Empty Stomachs
An estimated 133 billion pounds of food produced in the U.S. in 2010 never made it into people’s stomachs.
“Feeding the Planet” Summit Brings Together Experts to Discuss Feeding a Growing Population
The George Washington University’s Planet Forward Project hosted Feeding the Planet Summit, bringing together experts to discuss feeding a growing population.
Seeds Are Unlikely Stars of Global Restaurant Scene
Chefs and seed breeders form one of the most powerful partnerships changing today’s food system.
International Year of Family Farming: Small Grants Go a Long Way for Farmers Markets
Recent evidence shows that grants from USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program were effective in promoting local food systems.
VIDEO: Going forward by going back – 15 indigenous crops feeding the world
A newly released video by Food Tank explores the environmental sustainability, nutrition, and financial security produced by enset, an indigenous crop.
Indigenous Crop: The Jack of All …Fruits?
Jackfruit, the largest tree-borne fruit in the world, can be eaten both when immature and ripe.
Gather Baltimore: Reducing Food Waste and Combating Hunger in Baltimore
Volunteer organization, Gather Baltimore, collects unsold produce and bread from farmer’s markets, local farms, and produce distributors to sell and distribute.
Urban Agriculture Keeps Pace with Population Growth in India
India’s urban populations are growing, but cities such as Nanded are embracing the change by incorporating agriculture into urban planning.
Innovation for Sustainability: Bhungroo Boosts Incomes and Food Security for Women Farmers
Biplab Paul has developed a technique to improve crop irrigation in Gujaret, raising incomes by more than 1,000 percent within two years.
Call to Action: Turn Down the Heat!
A 2013 World Bank report predicts the course of climate change and highlights its effects on vulnerable populations and food supplies.
Orion Magazine’s Upcoming Webinar: Food Hubs Revamp Sustainable Food Systems
Orion Magazine invites you to join its November 21st webinar about the role of food hubs in reinvigorating the sustainable food movement.
The Fight for Fair Food
Food Tank interviews the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, a farm worker-led organization working to eliminate abuse, wage theft, and unsafe working conditions.
USDA Farm Service Agency Forms Invaluable Partnership With Local Refugees
Refugees and immigrants with agricultural roots are reaping the benefits of the New Farms for New Americans program.
India’s Mid-Day Meal Plan: What Went Wrong?
A recent tragedy in Bihar, India brought attention to flaws in India’s Mid Day Meal Scheme, which reaches 120 million students in 1.2 million schools.
Sustainable Business: The Farmery Brings Grocery Store and Greenhouse Closer Together Than Ever
Imagine a grocery store that lets its customers pick fruits and veggies not from a bin, but from hydroponic vertical growing systems at the ends of the aisles.
Small-Scale Kenyan Farmers Have Potential to Thrive Despite Climate Change
While a changing climate threatens crop production in Kenya, Kenyan small-scale farmers show potential to thrive.
Farm Aid’s Big Projects Benefit Small Family Farms around the Country
Here’s how some of music’s biggest rock icons are putting the small family farm at center stage with Farm Aid.
Food Hubs: The Middlemen That Will Save the Sustainable Food Chain
A recent article in Orion Magazine shows how food hubs could be the key to bringing sustainable, local food culture into the mainstream.
Small Food Producers Under Threat from Food Safety Modernization Act
Two new Food Safety Modernization Act (2011) rules will place undue burdens on small food producers.