
World Soil Day: Soil Health is Key to Environmental and Human Health

“Land and soils constitute the foundation for sustainable agricultural development, essential ecosystem functions, and food security,” according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). “They are key to sustaining life on Earth.”

In A World of Plenty, Why Are People Hungry?

The 2018 Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance (KFLA) Global Summit on Food Security and Thriving Communities will explore the social inequality that causes hunger and malnutrition.

Streaming Live: Building a Roadmap for a More Sustainable Food System

The Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition’s International Forum will be on livestream November 27-28 to broadcast progress toward sustainable development and agriculture.

World Diabetes Day: The Food System and Human Health

“We must link the health of people with the health of the planet, and we can only ensure long-term food security if our food systems don’t destroy the basis of food production,” says Alexander Müller, study leader for The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for Agriculture & Food (TEEBAgriFood).

Experience and Taste the Future of Food

The 2018 Food Loves Tech Expo, hosted by food magazines Edible Manhattan and Edible Brooklyn, focuses on how technology and innovation shape the way we cultivate and consume food. Over two days of immersive installations, tastings, leadership panels, and dining experiences, attendees can test the technologies of the future impacting the food chain from field and sea to the next generation.

Who Will Feed the Future?

These farmers, photographed by world-renowned photographers, upend the dominant story that industrial agriculture—dependent on synthetic nitrogen fertilizer, pesticides, and drug cocktails in animal operations—is key to feeding a growing world population.

35+ Food Policy Leaders Convene in New York City

More than 35 speakers from the food and agriculture world, including Dan Barber, Dickie Brennan, and Marion Nestle will be at the NYC Summit on October 3. Food Tank is previewing the all-star lineup of speakers.

World Food Prize Laureates Rise to the Challenge to End Child Malnutrition

2018 World Food Prize Laureates Drs. Lawrence Haddad and David Nabarro lead in unifying global nutrition efforts and reducing child malnutrition during the first 1,000 days of a child’s life.

World’s First International Oyster Festival Showcases Maine Delicacy

The Damariscotta Oyster Celebration brings chefs, scientists, and oyster farmers together to highlight the region, the people, and the aquaculture innovations that make Damariscotta oysters the best in the world.

What does a Plan B For Europe’s fragmented food system look like?

Key food and agriculture stakeholders are working together to develop an integrated food policy for Europe, intended to bridge the gaps of the EU’s fragmented food system

Urgent Call for EU Agricultural Policy Reforms Sends Food Leaders to Forum

The EU Food and Farming Forum on May 29–30, 2018 gathers food leaders in Brussels to create a Plan B to EU agricultural policies.

Farmers Create the Ingredients to Reverse Climate Change

Food Tank asked our readers to share what innovations they find most exciting to deal with climate change on the farm. They responded with diverse examples from around the world.

Fresh Perspectives on Wasted Food in Milan

Apeel Sciences and Food Tank hosted young food leaders for sustainable food, drink, and discussion in Milan, featuring fresh perspectives on wasted food.

World Bee Day 2018: Protecting the Pollinators

For the first time, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization is observing May 20 as World Bee Day. The day is a celebration of the role of bees as pollinators in food systems as well as a call to action for the serious threats that bee populations face.

Opinion | On the International Day for Biological Diversity, Consider the Beauty of the Potato

Today is the United Nation’s International Day for Biological Diversity, a day to highlight the importance of the shared global heritage of food crops, the people who grow them, and working together to keep agriculture alive for the generations to come.

Celebrating Food that Tastes Good and Does Good

The Food Sustainability Media Awards honors journalists whose work raises awareness around sustainable food, agriculture, and nutrition. At a special evening event, eco-chef Tom Hunt shared his experience as a chef and activist and his food philosophy.

Cultivate a Sustainable Future with Seeds & Chips Global Food Innovation Summit

The Seeds&Chips Global Food Innovation Summit is incorporating a new voice in the continued search for solutions to climate change and feeding the increasing population.

The Bitter and Sweet: Dispatch from the 2018 World Cocoa Conference

The cocoa and chocolate sector convened at the World Cocoa Conference to discuss the future of the crop we love. Learn key insights on sustainability in the sector from conference moderator, Simran Sethi.

Celebrating Efforts—Big and Small—to Stop Food Waste

For Stop Food Waste Day, Food Tank is celebrating the work of individuals and organizations ensuring that food is nourishing people instead of going to waste.

No Food Left Behind

Thomas McQuillan, of Baldor Specialty Foods, Inc., explains how he transformed the company’s sustainability and how he intends to spread the word about zero waste.

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