Food Tank

Cooking Matters Colorado Highlights and Supports Indigenous Cooking

Cooking Matters Colorado is supporting Indigenous communities’ food sovereignty efforts by helping them access and cook with traditional foods.

A New Musical, TREES, Tells the Story of the Forest

Watch the new thirty-minute musical about saving the planet, TREES, until December 27.

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Become a Food Tank member today and help to build a stronger, more resilient food system.

Greater Pittsburgh Food Action Plan Prioritizes Justice in the Food System

The Greater Pittsburgh Food Action Plan seeks to prioritize equity in the region’s food system.

Bridging the Gap Between the Plant-Based Protein and Meat Industries

The meat and plant-based protein industries do not have to be opponents. Rather, each can learn lessons from the other to help reduce companies’ carbon footprint and develop healthier products.

USDA Proposal Aims to Loosen School Nutrition Standards

A proposed rule by the USDA will reintroduce 1 percent chocolate milk, cut in half whole grain serving requirements, and relax sodium restrictions.

17 Movements in South America Fighting for Food and Land Sovereignty

These 17 movements are advocating and fighting for food sovereignty and sustainable land management in South America.

Liberation Ice Cream: kubé Brings Justice to People and Food

kubé is rebuilding a more inclusive regenerative economy through their plant-based coconut ice cream.

DC Offers Another Round of Relief to Restaurants

Mayor Muriel Bowser will award up to 700 grants to DC’s hardest-hit restaurants.

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