
Improving Nutrition for Mothers and Children at the 1,000 Days Symposium

The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is hosting a one-day “1,000 Days Symposium” on Thursday, 26 February 2015 in London, England.

Pushing for International Agreements: The Milan Protocol

Speakers on the “Pushing for International Agreements: The Milan Protocol” panel tackled the world of international trade and agreements related to agriculture.

The Wheels on the Farmstand Go Round and Round: Arcadia’s Mobile Market

Washington, D.C.-based Arcadia is bringing its farmers’ market on wheels to underserved neighborhoods.

23 Mobile Apps Changing the Food System

These 23 mobile apps are helping eaters, gardeners, and food enthusiasts live more environmentally sustainable, less wasteful, healthy, and delicious lives.

66 Instagram Accounts Helping Cultivate a Better Food System!

One of the fastest-growing social media networks is Instagram– Food Tank highlights 66 Instagram accounts cultivating a better food system!

16 Actors and Actresses at the Forefront of the Food Movement

These 16 actors and actresses are using their star power to shed light on the issues facing our troubled food system.

Five Questions with Barbara Ekwall of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization

Food Tank recently had the opportunity to speak with with Barbara Ekwall, of the U.N. FAO, who was one of the speakers at the 2015 Food Tank Summit.

21 Inspiring Initiatives Working to Reduce Food Waste Around the World

These 21 organizations are working to prevent waste at all levels of food production.

25 Indigenous Fruits and Vegetables Promoting Health All Over the World

Many indigenous fruits and vegetables are in danger of abandonment and extinction. People are trying to catalogue as many traditional varieties as possible.

Farmers’ Rights for Reducing Hunger and Poverty

Juanita Chaves Posada, GFAR Senior Adviser on Genetic Resources, is informing smallholder farmers in developing countries about their rights.

Improving Food Governance to Break Violence and Hunger’s Vicious Cycle

Rehabilitation of agriculture is a central condition for development, reducing poverty, preventing environmental destruction, and for reducing violence.

Chef Jose Andres and World Central Kitchen are Committed to Smart Solutions to Hunger and Poverty

​Chef Jose Andres, founder of World Central Kitchen and the Chef Network is bringing chefs together to create sustainable food economies in communities.

Young Farmers Alleviating Hunger in Africa

The Africa Solidarity Trust Fund aims to help close the nutrition gap by employing young farmers in the aquaculture and poultry industries.

Top 10 Victories for a Better Food System in 2014

Food Tank highlights the top 10 victories for food systems in 2014.

Seven Awesome Food Organizations in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania has seven top organizations named in the James Beard Foundation and Food Tank’s just-released 2014 Good Food Org Guide.

A Gleaner’s Manifesto

When our food system fails us, gleaning can bring nutritious food from local sources to those who otherwise could not afford it.

How Can We Nourish the World?

GFAR and others call for a focus on nutrition over agricultural outputs when discussing world hunger.

Donating Wholesome Unsold Food

The USDA will discuss liability concerns and clear up misconceptions that may keep companies from donating food.

Six Awesome Food Organizations in Connecticut

Connecticut has six top organizations named in the James Beard Foundation and Food Tank’s just released 2014 Good Food Org Guide.

Hidden Hunger, Exposed

Since 1990, hunger worldwide has decreased by 39 percent, yet hunger remains “serious” or worse in 55 countries.

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