Innovative healthy retail programs are changing the way we eat, one corner store at a time.
Brazil’s Dietary Guidelines: Eat Real Food, Together
Brazil’s dietary guidelines provide sensible, food-based advice to combat the double burden of undernutrition and obesity.
20 Native North American Foods with Stories to Tell
Twenty indigenous North American crops important to the histories and cultures of Native Americans and early settlers.
Philadelphia Soda Tax: A Sweet Plan to Fund City Programs
Mayor Kenney has devised an innovative plan to raise money to combat poverty in Philadelphia.
Feeding Children When School Meals End for Summer Vacation
Feeding America is working to expand summer food access among low-income children.
New Bill in Congress Dispels Consumer Confusion Surrounding Food Labels
The Food Date Labeling Act in Congress would provide a national-level standard for clear and comprehensible food quality and safety labels.
Eight Countries Taking Action Against Harmful Food Marketing
Countries around the world are taking action to combat harmful junk-food advertising.
Diabetes Rates Are Rising in the Middle East
Rates of type-2 diabetes and other lifestyle diseases are on the rise in parts of the Middle East. Rapid changes in diet and lifestyle are major factors.
The Protein Flip: Reimagining Protein With Menus of Change
American chefs are starting to reimagine the traditional role of animal protein with help from Menus of Change.
What Will it Take to End Global Malnutrition by 2030?
The Global Nutrition Report examines the state of nutrition in the world and what it will take to end global malnutrition by 2030.
Controversial GMO Study Finds No Adverse Effects on Human Health
A comprehensive analysis of more than 900 publications provides a fresh perspective on the applications of genetic engineering in agriculture.
The First 1,000 Days by Roger Thurow: Eliminating Global Malnutrition 1,000 Days at a Time
Roger Thurow’s The First 1,000 Days follows 12 women from 4 countries as they struggle to provide the best care for their babies in the crucial first 1000 days.
New Study Finds Potential Health Benefits of Consuming Organic Meats and Milk
A new meta-analysis finds that omega-3 intake from organic animal products might confer measurable health benefits.
Putting “Dollars on the Data:” Map the Meal Gap Report Sheds Light on Food Insecurity in U.S.
The 2016 Map the Meal Gap report provides sobering data about food insecurity and food assistance at the local level in the United States.
Interview with Dr. David Katz, President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Dr. David Katz, President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, shares his thought on integrative medicine and nutrition with Food Tank.
The Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive Gives Americans a One-Month Opportunity to Reduce Hunger
During the month of May, the Stamp Out Hunger campaign gives Americans the opportunity to donate and re-route food to the needy.
Helping Smallholder Farmers Build Stronger Businesses with Information and Communication Technology
Information and communication technology can offer new business opportunities for smallholder farmers.
Harlem Grown Helping to Empower Youth
Harlem Grown\’92s urban gardens help to teach children about food justice, sustainability, and nutrition through hands-on educational programs.