
Toddlers who eat the same meals as their parents are healthier

Children who eat the same meals as the rest of the family – but not necessarily at the same time – have a healthier diet, a new UK study finds.

Back to School: 14 Initiatives Educating Youth About Agriculture

These 14 initiatives all over the world that are educating youth about agriculture, and creating a genuine interest in safe, sustainable, and healthy food.

118 Twitter Feeds Every Food Activist Needs to Follow

Food Tank has chosen 118 Twitter accounts for those involved in the food movement, or anyone who just wants to know more about the food system.

Five Sustainable Culinary Programs for Aspiring Green Chefs

A new wave of culinary programs aims to change the food paradigm by telling a story of sustainability through food.

Family Farming Food Heroes: Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell

Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell, founders of Beekman 1802, truly epitomize the spirit of family farming.

The Science of Eating Together

Science says eating together might be better.

Eleven Inspiring Sustainable Chefs

Chefs can be arbiters of change, choosing local ingredients and bringing fresh healthy food to the masses. Here are eleven great examples.

12 Musicians Promoting Food Movement Initiatives

These 12 artists have participated in the movement to change the food system, either by teaming up with organizations or influencing their fans to take action.

Studies Show Exposure to Certain Chemicals May Increase Risk of Obesity

Recent studies show that improper diet and exercise may not be the only factors contributing to the obesity epidemic.

15 Websites Saving the Environment by Changing the Food System

Each of these 15 websites explores the complex relationship between food and the environment.

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