Thought Leaders

Seeds&Chips: Connecting Food Sustainability and Technology

Food Tank spoke with Seeds&Chips CEO Marco Gualtieri about the marriage of technology and sustainable food systems, the so-called “Internet of Food.”

Colorado’s Incredible Irrigation System Conserves Water, Produces Green Energy

USDA approves Colorado hydropower project proposal for funding as part of a new conservation initiative.

101 fatti che ci rendono ottimisti sul futuro del cibo

Le 101 storie di persone, organizzazioni e attività chef anno ben sperare nel futuro sostenibile del cibo

Transforming Food Systems with Agroecology

Agroecology course at UCSC uses immersive interactive learning to examine the history and prospects of the movement.

24 Ways Chefs are Cooking up Change Outside of the Kitchen

Chefs have a unique part to play in making the food system more environmentally sustainable, socially just, and delicious.

Slow Living Summit 2015: Explore the Journey of Food

This summer, learn how redefining community can help us create a more sustainable and equitable food system.

Hannah Freeman: Fair Trade Turns Farmworkers into Change Agents

Fair Trade certified products contribute to better working conditions, health, education, and general wellbeing for farmworkers.

Civilization Boxset: Is Open Sourced Hardware the Future?

Open Source Ecology is creating open source blueprints for cost-effective and efficient machines to build a “civilization-in-a-box.”

Preserving the Seeds of Today for the Food of Tomorrow

“Seeds of Time” draws attention to the consequences of climate change on our food supply if we don’t take action.

21 Food and Agriculture Organizations Fighting Climate Change

These 21 organizations are taking the lead in the global effort to fight climate change in the food system.

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