Maryland Creates Opportunities for Food Insecure Cities

The Maryland Department of Agriculture’s new bill for water and power infrastructure upgrades will distribute up to US$500,000 per year to nonprofits and urban farmers.

African Farmer and Entrepreneur to Lead Slow Food International

Ugandan farmer and social entrepreneur Edie Mukiibi is committed to shaping the future of regenerative farming communities worldwide in his new role as President of Slow Food International.

New Survey Finds Young Farmers Are Motivated by Environmental Conservation and Social Justice

Despite facing systemic challenges, young farmers are pushing to steward the land responsibly.

Cutting Postharvest Food Loss and Waste

The Postharvest Education Foundation (PEF) supplies small and medium scale farmers with technologies to reduce food loss and waste.

Understanding the Link Between Agriculture and Anti-Microbial Resistance

A recent Lancet study notes that antibiotics used in farming may contribute to AMR in humans, however the direct cause remains controversial.

Food System Advocates Should Be Vocal Climate Champions. Here’s How.

Regenerative agriculture is a win-win-win solution that is good for climate mitigation, ecological resilience, and adaptation.

Report Investigates the Past, Present, and Future of Agrochemicals and Environmental Justice

New resources help students understand the ways industrial agriculture and agrochemicals impact their own communities and surrounding environments.

For Malawi, Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Presents Both Challenges and Opportunities

The war in Ukraine is expected to drive fuel, food, and fertilizer costs to historic highs in Malawi.

Food Tank’s Spring 2022 Book List

Food Tank is rounding up 20 titles that celebrate ancestral farming practices, document the importance of marine ecosystems, introduce readers to new recipes, and more.

CEFS Symposium on Agriculture, Food Systems and Climate Change: A Call to Action

On August 11, 2022, Food Tank is partnering with North Carolina State University for a summit on Agriculture, Food Systems, and Climate Change. Danielle Nierenberg will moderate Dr. Robert Bonnie, the USDA Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation, Dr. Rattan Lal, OSU Distinguished Professor of Soil Science, and more amazing speakers. 

Are Alternative Meats a Good Option For The Environment?

A new report poses questions about the environmental impact of alternative meat.

Empowering Haitian Farmers Through Investment in Local Food Systems

Acceso Haiti, a social enterprise, empowers smallholder farming families through market access and investment in local food systems.

Food Tank Highlights 30 Organizations Supporting Young Farmers

Food Tank highlights 30 organizations working to support rural youth and young farmers across the globe.

Local Government Leaders Sign the Glasgow Food and Climate Declaration at COP26

Participants called upon world leaders to recognize that local governments and communities are critical leaders in food systems sustainability.

American Diet Creates Public Health Crisis, Experts Say

Experts say the American diet has caused a huge wave of chronic illness. Black, Indigenous, and other marginalized communities experience the worst of it.

Spanish Chef Introduces a Seagrass Grain to Help Solve Climate Crisis

Spanish Chef, Ángel León investigates the culinary prospects of a seagrass grain, which he believes can help fight climate change.

Spore and Seed Wants to Do Farming Right

A woman-owned farm in Maryland is working to grow flowers and mushrooms in a way that honors the earth.

For a Sustainable Hog Farmer, “There’s Not One Right Way of Farming”

This family farmer believes that all farms can work on implementing practices that support healthy environments.

Connecting the Dots: Sustainable Diets, Climate, and Health

During this event, Brent Loken, the Global Food Lead Scientist for WWF, and Stineke Oenema, the Executive Secretary of UN Nutrition, and Federico Bellone of the UNFCC COP26, join Danielle Nierenberg to discuss the inextricable links between sustainable consumption and diet, climate change, biodiversity, and health as well as the importance of breaking down silos for food systems transformation.

Irrigating Crops with Wastewater May be the Future of Farming

By using recycled wastewater as irrigation in agriculture, some farmers are hoping to mitigate the pressures of worsening droughts.

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