Financial Aid in Nigeria Creating a New Interest in Rural Fish Farming

Aquaculture in Nigeria has greatly benefited organizations like CORAF, which utilizes its WAAPP initiative to train people in rural fish farming.

Using Aquaculture Development to Encourage Women’s Employment in West Africa

Through CORAF and its WAAPP initiative, rural Nigerian women have the opportunity to work through aquaculture.

Promoting Integrated Fisheries in West Africa

CORAF has partnered with a number of West African universities in order to further develop integrated fisheries and aquaculture educational programs.

Harmonizing Seed Rules in West and Central Africa

CORAF and partners have coordinated uniform seed rules, which spurs seed import and export among neighboring African states.

A Boom in Fish Feed Production in Nigeria

Fish feed production is an example of how collaboration between public and private organizations can have positive effects while promoting self-sufficiency.

Confronting Gender Bias in Agriculture Takes Daily Work, Says Maiga of CORAF

Mariame Maiga of WECARD/CORAF talks about how confronting gender inequity in Africa is a daily obligation for anyone working in agricultural research and sustainable development.

Food Tank Wraps Up 2018 With Exciting News for 2019

With ground-breaking Summits, reporting, podcasts, and more, Food Tank has gathered a highlight reel to celebrate the coming of the new year.

Training Youth Key to Growing African Agriculture

For CORAF, training youth is not just a matter of preparing for the rising age of researchers or increasing unemployment, but a matter of enhancing the food system as a whole.

Helping Farmers Means Working With Them Against Poverty

CORAF’s Research Program on Priority Agricultural Sectors deploys new varieties of maize to producers to prepare them for climate change, strengthen value chains, and lift communities out of poverty.

Smoking Fish Reduces Waste—and Improves Incomes

A Nigerian research center spent over a decade perfecting fish smoking technology for fish producers, improving their livelihoods and protecting their catch from post-harvest loss.

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