Each of these 15 websites explores the complex relationship between food and the environment.
U.S. Food Waste Challenge: A new USDA and EPA partnership to reduce waste across the food system
The U.S. Food Waste Challenge is a public-private partnership seeking to reduce, recover, and recycle food waste.
“Farm Rx”: Georgia Organics Works to Bring Food and Medicine Together.
Georgia Organics, the Georgia organic farmer association, reached out to healthcare professionals with a “Food as Health” track at their 2013 annual conference.
Reducing Waste: Five Tips For Creating A Smaller Menu
Here are five tips from sustainability expert Greg Christian on scaling down menus to address food waste in restaurants.
Food Waste Fighter: An Interview with Jonathan Bloom
In this Food Tank interview, Jonathan Bloom explains why the issue of food waste is important, and what is being done about it.
Food, A Value to Defend: Guido Barilla’s Forward to Combating Waste
This forward by Guido Barilla, President of the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition (BCFN), is part of the most recent issue of BCFN’s magazine.
System of Rice Intensification a Sustainable Option for Family Farmers
By simultaneously benefiting smallholder farmers and the environment, System of Rice Intensification methodology could be the face of the future of farming.
Enlisting the Climate Ally Underfoot
Diana Donlon’s guest piece explains the need for carbon sequestration in an increasingly polluted environment.
Finding Ways to Prevent Food Waste and Loss on World Environment Day
World Environment Day on June 5th is focusing international attention on food waste.
Bengali Women Break Barrier in Winning Jewel of Agriculture Prize
Two women in India broke a major barrier in March when awarded the Krishni Ratna (“Jewel of Agriculture”) prize by the Government of West Bengal.
Food Hero Series: Interview with Selina Juul
Food Tank interviews Selina Juul, Danish food waste expert and founder of the Stop Wasting Food movement in preparation for World Environment Day.
Brazil’s Locally Sourced School Lunches
Brazil’s successful school meals program requires 30 percent of all food served in public schools must be locally sourced from family farmers.
Seven South and Central American Initiatives Empowering Women
Women Deliver 2013: Food Tank highlights seven innovations in Central and South America improving food security and empowering women.
Six Middle Eastern Initiatives Empowering Women
Women Deliver 2013: Food Tank highlights seven innovations in the Middle East improving food security and empowering women.
Seven African Initiatives Empowering Women
Women Deliver 2013: Food Tank highlights seven innovations in Africa improving food security and empowering women.
Western Indian Farmers Suffer in Drought
One of India’s largest states is suffering from extreme drought, putting the food security of millions at risk.
FAO Food Wastage Footprint Project Highlights Best Practices
The FAO launches the Food Wastage Project to document best practices in food waste reduction and quantify the global impacts of food waste on the environment.
IYFF: Women Crucial to Success of Artisan Fisheries in Abidjan
Women play a crucial role in the West African artisan fishing industry, which is an important part of the economy and culture in the Ivory Coast.
Seven Initiatives Empowering Women in Oceania
These seven initiatives across Oceania are working to protect gender equality and empower women to promote their participation in agriculture.
Obesity and Inequality in Chile
President Piñera’s Elige Vivir Sano program aims to reduce obesity by educating Chileans about physical activity and nutrition.