
Sixteen Noteworthy Food Moments in 2016

From food policies that address food security and food waste, to innovative quantitative technologies, to the celebration of young food leaders, 2016 has had many a noteworthy food moment thus far.

Farm Tank Interview with Clover President & CEO Marcus Benedetti

A Food Tank interview with Marcus Benedetti, President and CEO of Clover in Petaluma, CA.

New Scorecard: Olive Garden Gets F for Inaction on Antibiotics

“Chain Reaction” report from Friends of the Earth details which American chain restaurants adopted policies restricting antibiotics use by their suppliers.

FAO and the Self-Employed Women’s Association Announce Partnership

The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization announced that it will form a partnership with the Self-Employed Women’s Association in India.

FAO Highlights Increased Drought in Caribbean

The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization released a report on the impact of climate change on agriculture in the Caribbean region.

London’s GrowUp Box Explores the Potential of Aquaponics

Check out how the United Kingdom\’92s GrowUp Box combines aquaponics and vertical farming methods to sustain local restaurants.

England’s Paignton Zoo: Feeding Animals from the Ground Up

Check out why the Paignton Zoo, located in Devon, England, implements hydroponics to nourish its animals.

Support for Urban Agriculture from the Ground Up: Canada’s Parliament Gardens

Learn how the Canadian government demonstrated that urban farming is accessible most anywhere by most anyone through the erection of its Parliament Gardens.

Protecting Disappearing Livestock Breeds

The FAO estimates that close to one-fifth of livestock breeds are endangered.

New Study Suggests Americans Could Feed More People by Changing Diet

A study from Tufts University finds that a vegetarian diet with dairy products has the highest carrying capacity of agricultural land.

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