How Grocery Stores Can Help Consumers Make Healthy Choices

Healthy Eating Research is finding the most effective strategies to help consumers make healthy choices in grocery stores.

Nutritionists and Environmentalists Must Join Hands to Unlock the Power of the Plate

Research finds that 11 million people die prematurely due to unhealthy diets each year. Healthy foods must be available, affordable, and accessible for all.

How Can Nutrition Professionals Help the Food System?

A new paper outlines how dietitians and nutrition professionals can promote sustainable food systems.

Global Index Shows Top Food and Beverage Companies Must Do More to Fight Malnutrition

A recent report ranks food and beverage companies’ efforts to combat obesity, undernutrition, and micronutrient deficiencies.

Food Talk Live: Raj Patel and Rupa Marya

Raj Patel, economist and food systems activist, and Rupa Marya, physician and advocate for health justice, discuss their new book Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice. The book unpacks the complexities of healthcare in a modern world.

Are Young People Really Eating Less Meat?

Young people are buying and eating more meat than older generations, according to new research from the World Resources Institute.

Asian Pacific Islander Voices: Books on Food and Culture

Food Tank’s book list centers Asian and Pacific Islander voices and showcases books on AAPI food and culture.

How Sun & Swell Ditched Plastic for Compostable Packaging

Sun & Swell is distributing their organic food products in 100 percent compostable packaging and reusable jars, one of the first companies to do this on a large scale.

Expanding Nutrition Initiatives in Lead-Up to U.N. Food Systems Summit

The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is playing a key role in improving the nutrition landscape in Ethiopia.

Startups Looking to Change the Snack Industry with Planet-Forward Options

A new program is helping startup companies expand their business and promote healthy and environmentally-friendly snacks for the future.

A Plant-Forward Diet Can Be Delicious and Diverse

Chefs from South and East Asia discuss the importance of encouraging eaters to adopt plant-forward diets.

Raley’s CEO Wants to Change the Way We Eat

President and CEO of Raley’s Family of Fine Foods talks about the role supermarkets can play in directing consumers toward healthier options.

Dr. Mark Hyman Talks Food, COVID-19, and the Pegan Diet

Dr. Mark Hyman reveals how to optimally eat for personal and environmental health.

Integrated Approach Is Needed for Food System Change, Says New Report

The FABLE Consortium’s recent report proposes strategies and pathways for 20 countries to develop sustainable land-use and food systems.

Report Details Harmful Consequences of Prison Food Policies

Impact Justice’s new report detailing prison food policies and practices shows what message we are sending to people who are incarcerated through food.

Dietary Guidelines for Americans: There Are No Healthy People on an Unhealthy Planet

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans have the potential to better public health and the environment. But in recently released 2020-2025 guidelines do not go far enough.

Superfood Bar with Compostable Wrapper Reclaims Carbon

Impacts Snacks, a plant-based superfood bar company, is using compostable wrappers and reclaiming more carbon that it uses to make its bars.

Bridging the Gap Between the Plant-Based Protein and Meat Industries

The meat and plant-based protein industries do not have to be opponents. Rather, each can learn lessons from the other to help reduce companies’ carbon footprint and develop healthier products.

Liberation Ice Cream: kubé Brings Justice to People and Food

kubé is rebuilding a more inclusive regenerative economy through their plant-based coconut ice cream.

Most Americans Have Roundup in Their Bodies. Researchers Say One Week of Eating Organic Can Help.

A new study finds that just one week of organic eating can reduce pesticide levels in the body by an average of 60 percent.

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