Migrant Youth Education Programs Center Student Identity and Culture

Mano en Mano migrant youth education programs center student identity and culture, and are guided by community and student voices.

New England Lobster Fisheries Dip into Aquaculture

Lobsterers are expanding into kelp farming to increase resilience in the face of climate change.

World’s First International Oyster Festival Showcases Maine Delicacy

The Damariscotta Oyster Celebration brings chefs, scientists, and oyster farmers together to highlight the region, the people, and the aquaculture innovations that make Damariscotta oysters the best in the world.

Maine Takes a Lesson from Japan in Scallop Farming

Coastal Enterprises Inc. aims to develop an economic market for sustainably farmed Maine scallops by modifying aquaculture model from Japan.

Amber Lambke: Returning to our Roots Through Grains

Amber Lambke, President of Maine Grains, Inc., talks about returning to Maine’s grain producing history to strengthen local farmers and the economy.

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