Food Donation Can Help Nigeria Fight Hunger and Cut Food Waste

The Global Food Donation Policy Atlas research shows Nigeria could benefit from improved food donation policies.

Supporting Nigeria Amid Protests: 5 Organizations to Know About

These organizations address the Nigerian community’s immediate needs during their fight for justice.

ColdHubs Is Bringing Solar-Powered Cold Storage to Farmers in Nigeria

50 percent of produce is lost post-harvest in Nigeria. ColdHubs aims to change this through the company’s solar powered coolers.

Nigerian Chefs Work to Revive Indigenous Seasonings

Nigerian chefs Tunde Wey and Ozoz Sokoh are working to revive iru, an indigenous West African fermented seasoning.

Making Fish Farming Cool for Rural Youth

Nigeria has recently focused on drawing teenagers to aquaculture, a challenge that CORAF has accepted through its WAAPP initiative.

Harmonizing Seed Rules in West and Central Africa

CORAF and partners have coordinated uniform seed rules, which spurs seed import and export among neighboring African states.

A Boom in Fish Feed Production in Nigeria

Fish feed production is an example of how collaboration between public and private organizations can have positive effects while promoting self-sufficiency.

A Global Solution to Post-Harvest Food Loss

Switching out traditional raffia baskets with plastic crates when transporting tomatoes in Nigeria can save fresh, healthy food and have multiple subsequent effects on nutrition in the region.

Smoking Fish Reduces Waste—and Improves Incomes

A Nigerian research center spent over a decade perfecting fish smoking technology for fish producers, improving their livelihoods and protecting their catch from post-harvest loss.

Improving Supply Chains Can Help Ensure Nutritious Food Reaches the Poor and Malnourished

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition is aligning supply chains with human need, for a better food system between farmer and consumer.

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